Annual Report 2011
Service with a Heart
To help seniors, disabled individuals and families in financial
crisis achieve stable and independent lives through programs
and services supported by staff, volunteers, faith communities
and the community-at-large.
Dear Friend of Interfaith Community Services,
Weathering a financial storm as severe and sustained as this
current one is a true test of an organization like ours. In a time of
devastating cutbacks and constraints, ICS is being called to assist
an unprecedented number of individuals in crisis, families in need
and seniors requiring support. And, we must do so while balancing
expanding need with limited resources.
Meeting that dual demand is only possible with the support of our
loyal donors, volunteers and community partners. With grateful
hearts for that real service, we are pleased to share five key highlights of the past very
busy and productive year:
Completion of a new ICS Food Bank. To move such a vital program from its cramped 400-square-foot
space to a well-designed 2,700-square-foot facility is a blessing. The Wolslager Foundation’s $150,000 grant
set the plans in motion, and ICS donors brought the vision to fruition. The building is now open for service!
Attainment of our Endowment Funding! Thanks a million—
and more—for helping us exceed the
Jenkins’ Endowment Fund Challenge. Having this foundational “nest egg” is vital to a sustainable future for ICS.
Expansion of services at ICS Resource Center. With unemployment rates in Tucson at historic highs,
this center is bustling. The all-volunteer staff now provides assistance with résumé writing, networking, job
searches and computer skills development.
Recognition as a Four-Star Charity. Charity Navigator, the nation’s leading independent evaluator of charities,
awarded ICS its highest rating, saying:
“Interfaith Community Services executes its mission in a fiscally responsible
way, and outperforms most other charities in America. This ‘exceptional’ designation demonstrates to the public
it is worthy of their trust.”
Development of a three-year strategic plan. Current resources and emerging needs come together in this
mission-driven blueprint for the future. While growth opportunities are envisioned for all ICS services, there are
specific plans we think you’ll find very exciting as outlined on the back cover of this report.
As we enter a new operational year, we wish to thank you for giving your time, resources and spirit so generously.
You keep our mission in motion!
Steve Pollyea
Board President, 2011
Bonnie Kampa
Executive Director
Ed Jenkins
Immediate Past President
ICS Associate Director and Case Manager
Terri Patt-Smith counsels a client. “So
often we see how the modest, one-time
assistance we provide serves as a bridge,
helping that individual keep the lights on,
buy the bus pass, reach a safer, saner
place in life,” she says.
3,041 households served
7,426 individuals served
$525,639 in emergency financial assistance
331 children provided with Gifts of Love
school supplies
82 families provided with Gifts of Love
holiday help
234 individuals served
202 recipients
$293,156 in refunds secured for
low-income clients
By the
Financial Assistance
Job losses. Medical emergencies. A stretch of bad luck. As the trying economy challenged, the ICS waiting
room was a busy place and our phone lines were jammed with a record number of calls for help from individuals
and families just trying to stay afloat. While need exceeded our resources, ICS case managers made every
penny of available grant support and our own discretionary Good Samaritan Fund dollars count to assist 3,041
households. Financial aid included help with rent, utilities, emergency prescriptions, work-related expenses and
other necessities. With compassionate help from ICS, families at risk were assisted in avoiding homelessness,
obtaining critical medications and receiving a hand up along the path to self-reliance and financial stability.
Service with a Heart is . . .
Financial Assistance
Unemployment is the leading reason clients seek help through the ICS Food Bank and Emergency Financial
Assistance programs. With a seed grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation, ICS opened a new Resource Center
at its Ina Road office that’s working to break employment barriers.
Run by volunteers, the Center offers help with résumé
writing, skills assessment, online searches and interview
preparation to support clients in becoming more confident
and competitive in the workplace. The Center is already
building a portfolio of success stories. Larry (pictured) is
just one person who found a job after getting a little help
from Will DeBoer (pictured), a volunteer.
The Center also assists clients in
developing financial literacy and
money management skills. “I’m
thankful to be able to take the steps
to rebuild my credit and start again,”
said Keisha (pictured) who attended
a Center money management
seminar presented by Wells Fargo.
The program included an incentive
program for clients who attended all
three classes in the series.
Volunteer tax preparers assisted in preparing and filing 202 tax
returns, helping people obtain $293,156 in tax refunds.
“Thank all of you.
You helped me get a pair of glasses and
some gas for my van. I’m 59 and can’t do
construction anymore. I’m taking computer
classes at One Stop and am confident to
find a job now that I can see. I don’t have
much time left at the (Shelter), so I’m
excited to find work and my own place again.
I didn’t know how bad my eyes were until I
got these glasses.”
Food Bank Volunteer Darryl Landau assists
a family in registering for their monthly food
box. “We’re seeing many people having to
ask for help for the first time,” he says.
“The numbers are just staggering.”
Food Bank
According to a new Food Research and Action Center report, 29% of Arizona households with children experienced
food hardship in 2010, defined as not having enough money to buy needed food during the previous twelve months.
This ties Arizona with Louisiana for the 7
worst food hardship rate for households with kids. The reality behind
these facts hit home at the ICS Food Bank. There was a surge in the number of people seeking help feeding their
families, many for the first time. We are now assisting three times as many people as we did four years ago. Our
Food Bank was a welcoming place for all served, while community food drives enabled us to keep shelves stocked.
Service with a Heart is . . .
$868,449 worth of food distributed
930 new households served
3,758 households served
12,325 individuals served
13,907 services – 13% annual increase
A monthly food
box lasts the
average family just
3 to 4 days? ICS
provides recipients
with additional
items to help
stretch food
supplies further.
By the
In the fall of 2010, it became obvious that our tiny 400-square-
foot Food Bank was inadequate for storing and distributing
the volume of food required to meet demand. With a $150,000
challenge grant from The Wolslager Foundation and the
generous support of more than 200 donors and partners, ICS
was able to construct a new 2,700-square-foot facility. The new
space enables us to serve more people and to enhance the
nutritional content of provided food with fresh and frozen items.
The building is now open to the public with a full dedication
planned for spring 2012.
Food Bank
Bye-Bye Old Storage Shed: The construction
begins July 2
A Busy Worksite – the new building starts to
take shape inside and out.
Stephen Wolslager (left photo) of The Wolslager Foundation
speaks during the groundbreaking ceremony. The Wolslager
Foundation’s $150,000 challenge grant provided the impetus
for the capital campaign to build the new ICS Food Bank.
Other lead gifts included a Pima County Community
Development Block Grant (Ann Day, Supervisor, District 1,
pictured above right).
New building is ready to serve! A walkway canopy will be
added January 2012 for added comfort for recipients.
Photo by Arizona Daily Star
“I know that the time I spend with many of
the recipients I see is the only one-to-one
conversation they may have that day.” –
an ICS volunteer driver
From a ride to the doctor’s office, to shopping assistance. From handy home help, to friendly phoning and visiting.
Last year, ICS Caregiving Services provided the essential support to enable hundreds of elderly and disabled
adults to remain in their own homes. Staff and volunteers put the care in caregiving for each and every client. In
the words of one appreciative recipient, “My days are getting pretty dark since I experienced macular degeneration.
My ICS driver is so kind and friendly taking me to medical appointments and errands. It really brightens my world.”
Service with a Heart is . . .
386 individuals served
10,376 services rendered – an
18% increase in transportation
215,800 miles driven by volunteers
(includes Mobile Meals) with an
in-kind value of $111,001
New TeleCHAT Program Keeps Seniors Connected
Isolation can be a real danger for frail or elderly folks
living alone. In the spring of 2010, a new TeleCHAT
program was added to our TeleCARE assurance call
programs to help Caregiving recipients stay connected.
Volunteers bring a little sunshine into the lives of
homebound seniors through friendly afternoon
check-up calls.
By the
Special relationships are forged every day between
ICS volunteer drivers and our recipients. John and
Ruth are just one example. The two enjoy sitting and
talking a few minutes when John delivers meals. Says
Ruth, “Living alone as I do, some days the ICS Mobile
Meals drivers are the only people I see one day to
the next. Because of the nutritious and tasty food I
receive, my health has improved and according to my
doctor I no longer have to take medication to manage
my blood pressure. I’ve even lost weight…and believe
me, a girl’s gotta look good!”
178 recipients served
19,577 deliveries made
By the
“It is so gratifying to see a pleasant face
and hear a cheerful word when the food is
delivered. The visit from ICS is the highlight
of my day.” – an ICS Mobile Meals recipient
The ICS Mobile Meals program delivers two nutritious meals each day Monday through Friday – one hot and one
cold - to those who cannot cook for themselves. The program also accommodates special diets with doctors
orders. Meals are prepared at partnering hospitals and senior centers, and delivered through a fleet of ICS
volunteer drivers. Folks tell us the food is pretty good. However, a healthy meal is just one of the benefits for
recipients. Most say that the conversation that they have with the ICS driver who delivers their meals fills a vital
need for social contact.
Service with a Heart is . . .
Maricela Reynaert, an ICS Health Advocacy
specialist, visits with a client at home.
“Keeping up with the tide of changing
health care options and procedures is
confusing to so many people. We get calls
ranging from “what is this medication I’ve
been prescribed?” to “where can I find a
particular piece of medical equipment?”
“Knowing where to turn for answers
to an insurance question or a medical
need can be confusing. The folks
in ICS’s health advocacy department
always point me where I need to go.”
Advocacy Program
The ICS Health Advocacy program provides assistance in navigating the health care system through home
interviews, as well as education and advocacy for seniors and disabled individuals. Volunteer nurses, doctors
and social workers are a lifeline to ICS and our clients through in-home assessments and one-on-one contact
with each individual coming in to our Caregiving Services.
With changes and constraints in the health care system, health advocacy
staff and volunteers actively address questions and provide referrals to
health care resources. Health Advocacy staff also work closely with the
ICS faith engagement team on implementing health-related seminars
and programs for local congregations.
Service with a Heart is . . .
637 individuals served
737 services provided
By the
Service with a Heart is . . .
When we asked Marty, an
ICS volunteer, why she gives
her time freely, she replied:
“Because I know every hour
improves someone’s life.”
The value of our volunteers goes beyond cost savings. Volunteers touch and improve
thousands of lives each year through their dedication and service in all ICS departments
and programs. More than 600 volunteers invested over 41,000 hours valued at nearly
$800,000 for ICS last year, as determined by the Independent Sector of Arizona.
ICS hosts an annual appreciation event to honor our valued volunteers for their selfless
efforts. During the spring 2011 luncheon, special volunteer recognition was given to
the following: Barbara Burt, Frank Hayes, Darryl Landau, ICS Food Bank Volunteers
Founder’s Award; Bruce and Karen Hamar Bittmann, Wendell and Rose Tyson –
Director’s Award; New Spirit Lutheran Church, Christ the King Episcopal Church –
Champion Award. Thanks to all of our volunteers. We couldn't do it without you!
Number of
Health Advocacy 44 852
Caregiving Services 259 16,452
Mobile Meals 55 10,743
Food Bank 80 4,940
Emergency Financial
12 609
Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA)
15 743
Resource Center 8 444
General Office Volunteers 27 2,167
Board, Council, Events,
189 4,456
Total 617 41,406
*an 8% annual increase
Dollar Value of
Volunteer Hours:
Number of Miles Driven
by Volunteers:
Miles with an in-kind value of $111,001
By the
Representatives from ICS’s member
faith communities meet bi-monthly to
share ideas, discuss challenges and
opportunities. “ICS helps us do what we
cannot do on our own.” - Michelle Petty,
Resurrection Lutheran
Faith Community
As the saying goes, “There is strength in numbers.” ICS is strengthened by the collective support – financial,
volunteer and moral – of our nearly 60 faith community partners. Together, we bring help and hope to people
when they need a compassionate place to turn. This cooperative relationship ensures that more people can be
assisted in meeting their basic needs.
Service with a Heart is . .
Aldea Spiritual Community
Ascension Lutheran
Avra Valley Community Church
Beautiful Savior Lutheran
Canyon del Oro Baptist
Capilla del Sol Christian
Casas Adobes Congregational UCC
Catalina United Methodist
Christ the King Episcopal
Christ Presbyterian
Church of the Apostles Episcopal
Church of the Painted Hills UCC
Congregation Anshei Israel
Congregation Chaverim
Congregation Or Chadash
Congregation M’kor Hayim
Cortaro Vista Community Church
Desert Skies United Methodist
Dove of Peace Lutheran
Faith Christian Fellowship of Tucson
Fountain of Life Lutheran
Grace St. Paul's Episcopal
Immanuel Presbyterian
Local Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is of
Oro Valley
Mountain Shadows Presbyterian
Mountain View Baptist
New Spirit Lutheran
Northminster Presbyterian
Northwest Baptist
Northwest Heights Seventh Day
Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene
Oro Valley United Church of Christ
Our Savior’s Lutheran
Pusch Ridge Christian Church
Resurrection Lutheran
Rincon Congregational UCC
Sanctuary United Methodist
Southside Presbyterian
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Francis in the Foothills
United Methodist
St. John on the Desert
St. Mark the Evangelist
St. Mark’s Presbyterian
St. Mark’s United Methodist
St. Matthew’s Episcopal
St. Michael & All Angels
St. Odilia Catholic
St. Philip’s in the Hills
Streams in the Desert
Temple Emanu-El
Third Church of Christ,
Tortolita Presbyterian
Tucson Community of Christ
Unity of Tucson
U.U. Congregation of NW
U.U. Church of Tucson
Vida Nueva/New Life Church
of God
ICS works with congregations to develop
whole person health programs addressing
the spiritual, physical and mental health
of congregants and neighbors. Quarterly
trainings like the one pictured above for
congregational health leaders provide
information and inspiration for implementing
congregation-based health programs.
Corporate & Community
Anonymous (2)
Robert and Helen Acker
Bruce Bittmann
Karen Hamar Bittmann
Francis and Barbara Boyle
George and Toni Chardukian
Peggy and Jack Comp
Wayne and Carol Dawson
In Honor and Memory of
Lenore Seymour Fiske
Jay and Betty Huitsing
Ed and Kay Jenkins
Richard and Bonnie Kampa
The Estate of Dwight Lang
Lura Lovell
The Estate of Bette Newton
The Estate of April Peck
Interfaith Legacy Society
The Interfaith Legacy Society recognizes supporters who
have made a planned gift of any amount, or a current
gift of $10,000 or more to the endowment. If you have
made such a provision, or expect to in the near future,
thank you. We would like to recognize those who have
already become members of the Interfaith Legacy Society.
Partnerships and collaborations enable ICS to leverage resources in
bringing important services to our recipients. A few of these groups
are listed below:
Pima County Community Action Agency, Pima County Community
Development and Neighborhood Conservation Department, City of Tucson
Human Services Department, Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona,
United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, Pima Council on Aging, and
Regional Transportation Authority (RTA)
Amber Lights, Atria Compana Del Rio, Emeritus, HealthSouth Rehabilitation
Hospital, Northwest Medical Center, Oro Valley Hospital, and Santa
Catalina Villas
Arizona Center on Aging, Arizona Community Action Agency, Alzheimer’s
Association, Catalina In-Home Services, Inc., Caregiver Consortium,
Carondelet Health Network, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona,
Emergency Services Network agencies, Faith Community Nurse Network,
Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Lutheran Social Services, Mobile
Meals of Tucson, Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network, and many more.
Steve and Ruth Pollyea
Maude Shingler
The Diamond Foundation
Allen Stults
The Estate of Gertrude
Bob and Sheri Siesennop
The Estate of Betty June
The Estate of Myrtle Thorne
Wendell and Rose Tyson
Mrs. Dorothy Dyer Vanek
David and Ellen Vellenga
The Estate of Loraine
The Estate of John Wickland
William A. Wilson
Kristin Almquist, Marketing Consultant
Betsy Bolding, Director of Consumer Affairs, Corporate Relations, Tucson
Electric Power
Jerry Bustamante, Business Development Officer, Canyon Bank
Jannine Cox, former CEO, Carondelet Foundation
Lori Carroll, Interior Designer
Diane Frisch, President, Frisch and Associates
Greg Gadarian, Estate Planning Attorney
Bill Holmes, Associate Director, Tucson Chamber of Commerce
Tom Hunt, Vice President and Wealth Strategist, Northern Trust
Ann Lovell, Executive Director, The David and Lura Lovell Foundation
Lea Marquez Peterson, Executive Director, Tucson Hispanic Chamber of
Frank Williams, Director of Social Services, Casa de la Luz
Steve Rosenberg, Publisher, BizTucson
George Chardukian, Financial Advisor, RBC Wealth
Doug Haynes, Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch
Ed Jenkins, Retired, CPA
Eileen Lamse, CPA, Hammel, Beal & Lauer, PC
Jim Marvel, Slosser, Struse, Fickbohm, Marvel & Fletcher,
Larry Schloss, CLU, Schloss and Company, Insurance and
Linda Stratton, Stratton Advisors
Jane Nugent, VP Senior Personal Banker, Northern Trust
Platinum Level
Gold Level
Copper Level
Streams in the Desert
Lutheran, St. Matthew’s
Episcopal & Faith
Christian Fellowship
become the 54
, 55
& 56
member faith
Our Heartfelt Thanks…to the many contributors who made our work possible during the fiscal year July
2010 through June 2011. This list includes grants, corporate gifts and individual donors, as well as support for our Endowment
Fund, special events, automobile donations and in-kind contributions. Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy of listings;
however, if your name is missing or listed incorrectly, we apologize and hope that you will call us with the correction.
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Canyon del Oro Baptist Church
Capilla del Sol Christian Church
Casas Adobes Congregational
Catalina United Methodist Church
Chapel at the Country Club of La Cholla
Christ Presbyterian Church
Church of the Painted Hills United
Church of Christ
Congregation Anshei Israel
Congregation Or Chadash
Cortaro Vista Community Church
Desert Skies United Methodist Church
Dove of Peace Lutheran Church
Edward D. Jones and Co. Foundation
Elizabeth Read Taylor Foundation
Faith Christian Fellowship of Tucson
Jewish Community Foundation of
Southern Arizona
Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona
Jim Click Nissan
Knights of Columbus
Lilly Endowment
Mountain View Baptist Church
Oro Valley Community Foundation
Oro Valley United Church of Christ
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
Pella Rolscreen Foundation
Pusch Ridge Christian Church
Roadrunners Alumnae Welcome Wagon
Rob Johnson Photography (in-kind)
Sanofi-Aventis US Inc
The Carl and Mabel Shurtz Foundation
St. Francis in the Foothills United
Methodist Church
St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church
Sundt Foundation
Sunrise Senior Living
Third Church of Christ, Scientist
Trico Electric Charitable Trust
Tucson Electric Power, RMT Department
Tucson Newspaper’s Charitable
Contributions Philanthropic Fund
$500 - $999
Anonymous Donor
Avra Valley Community Church
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
Church of the Painted Hills United
Church of Christ
Congregation M’kor Hayim
Fifty Plus Club
HGM Consulting
Hughes Federal Credit Union
Hundred Palms Tucson
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Kissed By An Italian
Ladies Night Out
Lewis Hertz Foundation
Lord of Grace Lutheran Church
Mountain View Retirement Village
Northern Trust Bank
Northwest Baptist Church
PICOR Charitable Foundation
Pima Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
Rincon Kiwanis Club
Rotary Club of Dove Mountain
St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal
Stratton Advisors
Temple Emanu-El
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Tucson Center for Spiritual Living
Tucson Community of Christ
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
of NW Tucson
Unity of Tucson
Valley Animal Hospital P.C.
World Food Services
$250 - $499
3M Foundation
Adair Funeral Home Dodge Chapel
Bryan Foulk and Michael Manela, PC
Church of the Apostles
Fountain of Life Lutheran Church
Fountains Non-Denominational Church
Hammel, Beal & Lauer, PC
La Aldea Spiritual Community
Mountain Shadows Presbyterian
Mountain View Baptist Church
No Pima Co Chamber of Commerce
Northern Trust Bank
Omni Tucson National Chili Cook Off
Oro Valley Optimist Club
Orthodontic Specialists
Pima Council on Aging
Sheffield’s Diamonds
Slosser, Struse, Fickbohm, Marvel
& Fletcher, PLC
Southside Presbyterian Church
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
St. Odilia Catholic Church
Thrivent Financial, Saguaro Chapter
Wells Fargo
Freedom from Hunger
Drive yields 5 tons of food
and ends with an ice cream
social and concert at Christ
Presbyterian Church featuring
Splendido’s Gestures of Joy
and a student quartet from the
Tucson Jazz Institute.
August 2: ICS receives
over 400 calls for
financial assistance
a single-day record!
ICS receives the 2010
Nonprofit of the Year
Pinnacle Award from the
Northern Pima County
Chamber of Commerce.
Gifts of Love help 331
young people from low-
income families start school
prepared with new school
July August September
$100 - $249
Arizona Party Rental (in-kind)
Bashful Bandit
Bingham, Osborn & Scarborough LLC
Care More
Casa de la Luz Foundation
Casa de la Luz Hospice
Casas Adobes Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Desert Dialysis Center
Epic Productions
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
Marana Rotary Foundation
Matching Gift Center
McEvoy, Daniels & Darcy, PC
Morgan Stanley
Pinnacle Component Sales Inc
Pleasurebent Tours Inc
Presbyterian Women of Christ
Presbyterian Church
Sanctuary United Methodist Church
Scarlet O’Hatters of Red Hat Society
Silverbell Womens Golf Association
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai’s
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Women’s
Coordinating Team
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. John on the Desert Presbyterian
St. Mark’s UMC Quilters
Sunlife Home Health Care
The Quails
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Villa La Estela HOA
$0.01 - $99
Abracadabra Art Portraits
At Your Service Bookkeeping LLC
Baha’is of Oro Valley
Brownstone Reading Group
El Con Patio Home Association
G & L Welcome Home Residential Svc
Genivee Gilman
Headquarters West LTD
Heritage Highlands 9-Hole Women Golf
La Canada Magee Neighborhood Assoc
Laureate Beta Upsilon
Northwest Community Friends Church
Quails Ladies Golf
R. E. Darling Co., Inc.
Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra
St. Mark Catholic Church Social Seniors
Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church
Tucson National Women’s Golf
Vistoso Village Breakfast Group
Vistoso Village Social Committee
$10,000 and more
Arizona Community Action Agency
Arizona Community Foundation
Calistri Family Foundation
Christ the King Episcopal Church
City of Tucson Human Services Dept.
Commerce Bank of Arizona
Community Food Bank (in-kind)
The Eugene and Wiletta Denton
Family Foundation
Diamond Foundation
David and Lura Lovell Foundation
Northwest Medical Center
New Spirit Lutheran Church
Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene
Oro Valley Hospital
Pima County Community Action Agency
Pima County Community Development
& Neighborhood Conservation Dept.
Rincon Congregational United
Church of Christ
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
Tucson Electric Power Co.
United Way of Tucson & So AZ
University Medical Center
Wells Fargo Foundation
The Wolslager Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Bolchalk FReY Marketing (in-kind)
Comcast (in-kind)
The Employees Community Fund of
Boeing Mesa
Lon D. and Lucille Barton Charitable
Northminster Presbyterian Church
The Phillips Family Foundation
Resurrection Lutheran Church
William E. Schmidt Charitable
Southwest Gas Corporation
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation
$1,000 - $4,999
Anonymous Donor
Alcoa Fastening Systems
Ascension Lutheran Church and School
Bank of America Foundation
Our 25
Celebration culminates
with a sold-out concert by
renowned flutist R. Carlos
Nakai and classical guitarist
Gabriel Ayala. Thanks to
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian,
which lent its music hall and
ICS and Carondelet Health
Network team up to provide
health advocacy outreach
to area congregations. The
program expands ICS’s
existing health advocacy
program funded by the
David and Lura Lovell
Foundation with a series of
health-related seminars.
The ICS Resource Center
gets a boost from the Wells
Fargo Foundation through
a grant to purchase computer
stations for job searches and
to offer financial literacy
training and incentive
programs for clients.
ICS is a recipient of a
Tucson Electric Power
Grants that Make a
Difference to enhance
our volunteer recipient
management program.
ICS announces plans for a new
2,700-square-foot food bank to
meet exploding community need
and to add refrigeration for fresh
and frozen foods. The Wolslager
Foundation issues a $150,000
challenge grant for the new
building, if ICS can raise
a matching $200,000.
October November
James and Dolly Moran
Michael and Rhonda Mumford
Estate of Elizabeth Groty Newton
Stephen and Jan Olafson
Fred and Crissi Petersen
James and Jane Peterson
Greg and Lynn Pivirotto
Scott Ringenberg and Carolyn
Barry and Patti Robinson
Jim and Virginia Roth
Betsy Sandlin
Lukas Schneebeli
Nancy Schwarzwalder
Jim and Sandy Seymour
Lee and Faye Shevel
John and Geri Smith
Bill and Mary Anne Springer
Howard and Marilyn Steele
Wayne and Gaye Sundberg
Garfield and Audrey Thorsrud
William and Marcene Thousand
Robert and Barbara Tomlin
David and Ellen Vellenga
Natalie Weissenborn Family
John Wilcox*
Ben and Daisy Williams Jr.
Michael and Carol Wilson
Darlene Wright
Gregory and Lotti Wyes
$500 - $999
Anonymous Donor
Kurt and Peggy Anderson
Abdullah and Donna Arik
Clark and Ardith Arnold
Richard and Barbara Bauer
Richard and Donna Bauman
Evelyn Bean
Robert and Beverly Bechtel
Pamela Becker
Jim and Yonny Beers
Stanmore and Carolyn Bennett
Michael and Lori Block
Doug and Alice Bogenreif
Betsy Bolding
Tom and Nancy Brock
Forrest and Deborah Carr
Robert and Patricia Chester
Myra Christenson
Charles and Nancy Converse
Eric and Carol Craine
James and Theresa Cruice
Jim Currie
Richard and Violet Davis
Janet M. De Keyser
Will and Linda DeBoer
Lawrence Dembowski
Bonnie Fortunato
Jerry and Barbara Frislie
Greg Gadarian
Eugene and Sandra Gerner
Richard and Carol Goeman
Kathy Goff
Douglas and Jean Gratzer
Thomas and Mary Ann Hackett
Jim and Rosemary Haleem
Joan Hall
Dale Haralson
$10,000 and more
Anonymous Donor
Robert and Helen Acker
Bruce and Karen Hamar Bittmann
George and Toni Chardukian
Edmund and Kathleen Jenkins
Lura Lovell
Steve and Ruth Pollyea
Wendell and Rose Tyson
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous Donor
Frank and Sue Cannon
Wendell and Pauline Gardner
Ken and Margaret McNealy
Mike and Gwen Parr
Kim Ransom
John and Margaret Schmidt
William and Karen Schumacher
Dorothy Vanek
$1,000 -$4,999
Anonymous Donors (3)
John and Diane Alford
Joel and Lidia Allen
Nancy Atherton
Richard and Carol Backus
Tony and Teri Benitez
Ralph and Marilyn Boeker
Alice Bostrom
Francis and Barbara Boyle
Vic and Marilyn Braun
Jim and Rosemary Brice
Mary Ann Brody-Heyl
Maria Conda
Shirley Dailey
Gary Darling
Larry and Sue Davis
Wayne and Carol Dawson
Joe and Arrah Dial
John and Rebecca Fenn
Bruce Fink
Mac and Tiena Fiske
Theo Fusby
William and Kathleen Gardner
Janet Grace
Dorothy Graham
W. Dwaine and Beverley Greer
Roger and Joan Grimes
Tim and Lisa Haldane
Jeffrey Hamstra
Doug and Kristin Haynes
Gary and Martha Henshaw
Robert and Betsy Holland
Alan and Betty Howard
William and Janet Hunter
Mildred Jett
Richard and Bonnie Kampa
Richard and Lois Klein
Edward L and Barbara Knight
Sherwin and Karen Koopmans
Robert LaFramenta
Estate of Dwight Lang
Eileen Leary
James and Judy Marvel
John and Kathy McIntyre
William and Carol Mitchell
Wally and Ann Hassell
Stephen and Judy Herzog
Clarence Hindman and Judy Beckner
Douglas and Elizabeth Holland
Katy Holt
Richard and Jessica Howell
David Huisjen
Charles Johnson
Keith and Pam Johnson
Lorri Jordan
Patricia Kinsman
Robert and Patricia Kittrell
Kevin and Beth Koch
Daniel and Olga Kujawa
John and Terry Lacy
Bob and Donna Langwig
Steve and Joy Lautenschlaeger
Arlene Lombard
Robert and Joyce Lyons
Bob and Helen Mack
Arthur and Janice McDonald
James and Mary Jo McRae
Dave and Cindy Morales
Bill Morcom and Vicky Johnson
Peter and Patrick Powers-Lake
Lola Pyle-Vinzant
Jack and Susan Quillen
John and Lynda Reeves
Marsha Regrutto
Jim and Maricela Reynaert
John and April Ritchie
Thomas and Sandra Rowley
Aubrey and Rosa Scarbrough
Robert and Jean Scheffel
Donald and Ann Schmidt
Steve and Cheryl Schmitt
Jacqueline Shaffer
Maude Shingler
Lance and Carleen Sholdt
Robert and Sheri Siesennop
Robert Skamfer
Byron and Patricia Snyder
Jerome and Vasiliki Spier
Don and Norlaine Sproul
Fred and Doris Stein
Rich and Niki Stern
Robert and Jane Sterritt
Steven and Leanne Steuer
Paul and Mary Suddath
Roger and Frances Trainor
Jake Vogler
Richard and Madeleine Wachter
Jeff and Jill Wadsworth
Susun Weed
Neil and Carol West
James and Nicole Whitenight
Jim and Debbie Widdows
John and Sylvia Wiedenbauer
Frank and Linda Williams
$250 - $499
Anonymous Donors (6)
Sidney and Lucille Albert
Art and Basia Aldag
John and Paula Alden
Wally Allen
Bill and Joan Ames
Rod and Suzanne Anderson
Cliff and Phala Andressen
Jeff and Martha Atwater
Edward and Patricia Augst
Don Bagwell and Lisa Behr
Curt and Edna Balko
Franklin and Lynn Barcklow
Jim and Kathie Barrett
Thomas and Elizabeth Bart
Gene and Ann Baudendistel
Craig and Donna Beach
Neil and Diane Bentley
Charles and Jan Bontrager
David and Pam Brandt
Mary Brandt
William and Jeane Breen
Cindy Buchler
Archie and Gloria Burke
Thomas and Ann Bush
Kenneth Callaway
Richard and Phyllis Cameron
David and Christine Capaccio
Thomas and Eleanor Carlson
Mary Carryer and Bob Eberle
Ronald and Donna Cate
Ron and Belva Cherry
John and Kathryn Ciechoski
Thomas and Yvonne Cockrell
Tom and Alice Coldren
Perry Cole
Terry and Shirley Coleman
Michael and Cinda Conroyd
Warren Cottrell and Jane Porter
Jannie Cox
Margaret Crotinger
Thomas and Sharon Crozier
Rob and Michelle Curcio
Marc and Patty Dash
Steve and Katie Dawson
Marilyn Day
Joe and Barbara De Arrieta
Louise De Jose
Patricia DeFer
Kathy Dirkschneider
Ray and Lisa Dissinger
Frank and Joan DuBose
Lawrence and Nancy Dufour
David and Carol Duncan
Roy and Mary Ann Eberbach
Lelan and Janet Egerton
Spencer and Lee Elliott
Jacob and Megan Etter
Robert and Barbara Evans
Lee and Jean Farmer
Sidney Felker
Tracy and Linda Floyd
Bill and Sandra Fout
M Joan Fox
Melvin and Melissa Franklin
Jim and Kim Freeman
David and Robin Geis
Ron and Annette Geistfeld
Bob and Sylvia Gergen
Karen Gilbert*
Philip and Dorothy Goehring
Robert Gorski and Michael Gorski
Judy Gould and Meredith Gould
Jerry and Valetta Griffin
Marjorie Grubb
Dorothy Gruver
Gary and Barbara Guthrie
Heriberto and Ruby Gutierrez
Herman and Judith Haenert
Philip and Martha Hall
Glenn and Isla Hamstra
Brian and Misty Hansen
Jeff and Anne Harman
Richard and Cherry Harper
Jim and Monica Hart
Emilie Haugh
Pam Henderson
Morris and Linda Hicks
JoAnne Hites
James and Sarah Hobart
Don and Pat Holladay
John Hruby
Dan Hughes
Morgan and Sharon Hunter
Robert and Margaret Hurst
Judith Ippolito
Daisy Jacobs
Connie Jahnke
James and Bonnie Johnson
John and Constance Johnson
Roger and Pat Kaltenberger
Ed and Peggy Kilby
Bruce and Leslie Killips
Mark Kimble and Jennifer Boice
Carl King
Philip and Tihua Kinney
Carl and Terri Kominsky
Jeffrey Kraus and Martha Berg
Frederick and Frances Krause
William Krauss
Wesley and Joyce Krebill
Timothy and Janet Kreski
Dennis and Joan Kroeckel
Margaret Kuhn
Marcia Larson
Donald Lasher and Helen Gallant
Danny and Yolanda Lemon
Charles and Laura Lentner
Wayne and Doris Lequieu
Bret Lewallen
Douglas and Patricia Link
Nelda Lofgreen
Pat Long
Diane Luber
Bruce and Anastasha Lynn
Richard and Barbara Malecki
Charles and Evelyn Malone
Craig Marken and Wanda Wynne
Ken and Sue Martin
Patricia McClure
John and Janice McDivitt
Elaine McEwan-Adkins
Robin and Linda McGeorge
Dorothy Vanek, right, ICS’s
nominee and a longtime
donor, is honored as
the Association of
Fundraising Professional’s
Philanthropist of the Year.
We Care Golf Classic
at Omni Tucson National is
a success with 160 players
and $30,000 raised for ICS
The 4
Annual Edward
Jones Bag-A-Thon
collects 25,461 pounds of
food for ICS.
ICS distributes 1,552
holiday food boxes
between November 22
and December 22
a new
record and 20% more than
the previous year.
An estimated 250 donors,
volunteers and community
friends enjoy food and good
cheer during the annual
Holiday Open House.
November continued December
Denis and Barbara McGeough
Catherine and Frank McGinty
William and Karen Merrill
Jim and Wilda Metzdorf
William and Vivian Meyer
Naomi Miller
Yash Mittal
Cal Monroe and Deborah
William and Deborah Montgomery
Lynn Mooney and Paula Noel
Margaret Moore and
Hannah Blue Heron
David and Virginia Morthland
Mary Mullins
Ronald Mumford
Jack and Helen Munger
Terry and Donna Mysak
Rosemary Nabozny
Paul and Jane Nakazato
Lawrence and Elaine Norrid
Dave and Jane Nott
Robert O’Neil
Pat Owens
Steve and Colleen Page
Stephen and Sally Pagnucco
Evelyn Parker
Michael and Ann Pastirik
Charlotte Patt
Terri Patt-Smith
Ron and Beth Patton
Harry and Eileen Paulus
William and Susan Pearsey
Peter and Gayle Perona
Bill and Judy Peterson
William and Jeanne Porter
Jane Prinz
Larry and Pam Raines
Debi and Robert Raterink
Sandra Rausch
Howard and Dorothy Reeve
Al and Sharon Rex
Patricia and Steven Richardson
David and Pat Ridinger
Elmer and Audrey Robison
Andrea Rogers
Thomas Rothe
Philip and Lynda Sawchuk
James and Juanita Scheib
Leonard and Mary Schwartz
Albert and Doris Seames
Jacques and Renee Sebag
Paul and Pamella Sharbo
John and Patricia Shattuck
Donald and Helen Siglin
Hope Sikora
Paul and Margaret Simmons
Michael Smith
Kathryn Snodgrass
James and Barbara Souter
Mary Spangler
Richard and Judy Speers
Sean and Jenene Spencer
Deborah Steed
Jay and Winafred Stephens
Corinne Stinson
Scott and Diana Summerford
Bill and Eddie Swaim
Margaret Tanzer
Thomas and Amanda Thaller
Carter and Ann Thoenes
Patrick and Deborah Thomas
William and Kathleen Thomas
Michael and Jennifer Thompson
James and Linda Tillema
Richard and Nancy Tom
Lavina Tomer and Joyce Bolinger
Al Trice
Ray Troxell
Burt and Mary Turner
John and Mary Turner
Allan and Lisa Tyler
Wayne and Pat Viereck
Mary Vollmer
Chuck and Sara Waldron
Thomas and Linda Walker
Richard and Sue Wall
John and Tanya Weinberg
Judith Weiser
Wayne and Mae Wiant
Bill and Judy Wickham
Donna Wigginton
Evan and Diane Wise
Joyce and Richard Wood
Joe and June Young
Gary and Elizabeth Zuehlke
$100 - $249
Anonymous Donors (6)
Dr. Jack and Rabbi Stephanie Aaron
Irene Allman
Filomena Alviggi
Larry and Marty Amend
Archie and Janice Anderson
Doris Anderson
Douglas and Pamela Anderson
Margaret Anderson
Steve and Marilyn Anderson
John C and Beverly Antliff
George and Mignon Applegate
Caroline Armstrong
William and Priscilla Armstrong
Terrie Ashbaugh
Mary Baenziger
Lois Baird
Roy and Mary Lou Barker
Elizabeth Barrett
Susan Basso
Suzy Baxter
Theodore and Louise Bayer
Cynthia Bean
Harry and Carol Beatty
Renate Beer
Barbara Behrens
Keith and Kristin Behrens
Lance and Phyllis Bement
Leighton and Judith Bennett
Frank and Pat Bergen
Albert and Barbara Bergesen
Jerry and Shirley Berweger
Annette Bianco
Karl and Penny Blum
Preston Boan and Alta Jones
Joe and Linda Boelter
Jack and Beatrice Boire
Frank and Debbie Bouchard
Frederic and Janet Brace
Charles and Sandra Brickley
Rita Brimer
Arthur and Anne Britt
Ed and Lois Britton
Roger and Filomena Brooks
Maurice and Wynsome Brown
Charlotte Browning
Marilyn Browning
Julie Bubul
Gene Buck
Carlos and Cindy Cajero
Doris Caldwell
Patricia Calvillo
David and Shirley Camp
Robert and Irene Camp
David and Deborah Campbell
Gary and Kaye Campbell
Roberta Campbell
Esther Capin
John and Joanne Carhart
Nell Carlston
Helge and Jennifer Carson
Phil Cashman
Geneva Cassel
James and Brenda Cates
Patrick and Sharlene Caulley
Skip and Connie Chase
James and Denise Childress
Joseph Chimienti
Ronnie and June Clark
Frances Cline
Ruth Clough
Gwen Colburn*
Robert and Ellen Collinge
Jack and Peggy Comp
John and Janell Conn
Tim and Catherine Connolly
Ted and Kathryn Connor
Thomas and Barbara Conway
Alice Cook
Robert and Merlene Cook
Derek and Laura Cooke
Joyce Coon
Priscilla Copps
Creighton Cornell
Craig and Robin Coulter
Michael and Lydia Covel
Hershel and Elizabeth Craig
Dale and Betty Crawford
Roy and Kathleen Crawford
Mary Croft
Michael and Karen Cruce
Linferd Cummings
Harold and Margaret Curtis
George and Elizabeth Daniels
Dennis and Barbara Davidson
John and Joan Davies
Charles Davis
Terry and Peggy De Wald
Robert and Lucy DeLaney
James and Sherri Denny
Elaine Dertien
Caleb and Carol Deupree
Oro Valley Church of the
Nazarene packs the house
during 10 spectacular
performances of its
Wonders of Christmas
Concert, collecting over
$23,000 in free-will offerings
for ICS.
Holiday Gifts of Love
program puts gifts and
clothes under the tree for
82 individuals and families
in need.
More Arizonans learn
they can receive credit on
their state tax obligation
by donating to ICS as an
approved charity serving the
working poor. ICS joins 12
other non-profit organizations
to promote the Arizona Tax
Credit Program.
Dove of Peace Lutheran
Church hosts a New
Year’s Day all Mozart
concert, raising $2,444
for ICS.
ICS is a beneficiary of a
popular concert by the
world-renowned Harlem
Gospel Choir at the Fox
Theatre generating $5,000
for our programs.
Rick and Judy Devereaux
Blanche Dezso-Gerard
Jim and Marilyn Dickelman
Keith and Sandra Dickmann
Eugene and Vera Dooley
Walter Drobot
Debra Drysdale
Michael and Linda Duddeck
Judy Eckhardt
Sharon Edwards
Howard and Lauren Eisenberg
Jean Emrick
Scott Engle
John and Bonnie English
Deborah Ensign
Delmar and Margaret Ann Fangmeier
David Farnsworth*
Robert and Donna Farrell
William and Darlene Felix
Roland Fenz
Katharine Ferguson
Anna Fields
John and Francille Firebaugh
Calvin and Judith Fischer
Bruce and Patricia Fisher
David and Linda Fisher
Heidi Fisher
Audrey Flynn
Betty Fogarty
John and Theresa Forsythe
Gloria Forte
William and Nancy Fox
Jerry Friedland
Bette Frost
Marc and Terry Frost
Arnold Funckes
Philip Galasso
Sally Garnaat
Julie Gasaway
Virgil and Muriel Gerdes
Andrew and Jennifer Ghusson
June Gibble
Jeannette Gilbert
Donna Gill
Susan Gillett
Judy Givens
Ramanathan and Mrudulla
Roberto and Barbara Godinez
Grace Golden
Gloria Goldstein
Jill Gomery
Joseph and Paulette Gootter
Mark and Patricia Grady
Vincente and Jean Granillo, Jr.
James and Marie Green
Peter and Mary Greenawalt
Hildegarde Greenaway
Thomas and Ruth Ann Gribb
Eric and Karen Gustafson
Ethel Haber
Bob and Marianne Hadden
Jane and Bill Hadly
Rob and Beth Hagel
Jennifer Hageman
Arlene Hagen
Aileen Haldane
Karen Halvorson
Ruth Hamilton
Richard Hannah
Jim and Barbara Hansen
Richard Harrington
Anne Harrison
Marjorie Hartsock
June Head
George Herget, Jr.
Dorothy Hess
Larry and Geraldine Hester
Murray Hicks
Jay and Della Hilton
Roger and Karen Hobbie
Theo Holmes
Martin and Linda Horowitz
William and Ann Horst
Barbara House
Richard Hughes
Jay and Betty Huitsing
Dianne Huston
Corinne Hyatt
Scott and Lonnie Ingram
Arthur Jacobsen
Jacqueline Jacobson
John and Mary Janezic
Sid Jeffe
Tom and Claudia Jensen
Benjamin and Paula Jimenez
Dale and Jennie Johnson
Richard and Judith Johnson
Jerry H. and Marianne Jones
Larry and Lisa Kaimer
Lyle and Merilyn Kanetzke
Richard and Joan Kaufmann
Charles and Jean Kelly
Garry and Sonya Kelly
Jane Kentner
Roger and Lynn Kerr
Diane Kerrihard
Robert and Jan Kirkpatrick
Anna Kline
Lorraine Knight
Edward and Beverly Korte
Karen Kovacs
Eugene Kreibich
Marie Krinks
Donna Kuehn
Lucille Kuhlman
William and Bonnie Lafferty
Diana Lagle
Robert and Karen LaMaster
Kirk and Leora Lander
David and Saundra Landsburg
Larry and Susan Lane
Dennis and Cheryl Larson
Kathye Lemay
Helen Lemke
Richard and Mary Lu Leslie
Luise Levy
Chandler and Cheryl Lewis
Ed and Cindy Lewis
David and Margaret Likness
Clara Lind
John and Judith Linde
Preston Linzy and Lesia
Stan and Pam Lochrie
Jim and Ana Lockhart
Leroy and Ann Loder
Anita Lohr
Richard and Carol Longenbaugh
Jerry and Arlene Loomis
May Lopuszanski
Helen Loveless
Mike and Rena Lude
Marilyn Ludwig
Kurt and Anne Lundblad
Kathy Lupori
Earl and Lolita Lynch
Robert Lyon
Carl and Katherine Maass
Wallace Macafee
Karen MacDonald
Susan Maki
Betty Maluf-Tver
Lesley Mansur
Thomas and Bonnie Mardian
Jack and Avie Martin
Russell and Ann Martin
Henry Martinez
Judith Max
Eleanor May
Robert McCue and Arla Amara
Bruce and Estelle McDoniel
Michael and Joanne McElheny
Don and Kathryn McFarlane
Ross and Shirley McGuire
Thomas McGuire
Ashleigh McIntosh and Lisette McIntosh
James and Jean McKenzie
Thomas and Arvilla McNamara
Caryle Mead
Alice Means
Ruth Means
Rich and Liz Melin
Jasper and Susanne Melton
Barb Miller
Marjorie Miller
Lee Milligan and Teresa Hager
William and Barbara Moeller
Geraldine Moisant
Earl and Dorothy Montgomery
Philip and Patricia Moorhead
Wayne Morgan
Dennis and Beatrice Morneau
Gene and Janie Morrison
Virginia Moyle
Jim Mueller
Richard and Audrey Mueller
Walter Muente
Patrick Mulligan
James and Constance Murphy
Pat and Jane Murphy
Donna Murray
Patricia Murray
Irene Naegele
Frank and Claudia Naughton
David and Janice Nelson
Jeanne Nelson
Doug Newton and Darlene Sison
Dennis and Susan Nordeen
Susan Nuhn
Bill and Chris Nunn
James and Linda Obenauf
Joseph and Lois Odenweller
Sharon Olbert
William and Jan Olsen
Harley and Sally Ostergaard
Bernie and Jeanne Padgitt
Leonard and Margaret Paradise
Larry E. and Carlene Parker
Stanley Parkinson
Marianne Parmenter
Duane and Kathie Patterson
Annegret Perlmutter
Thomas and Jan Pestal
Kirk and Jane Pielow
Mark and Stacy Pincus
Arthur and Elizabeth Piper
Jim Pirzynski
Ray and Peggy Plumlee
Dick and Judy Poffenberger
Lieselotte Praeg
Rebecca Precup
Mel and Charlotte Queen
Lloyd and Mary Quick
Dan and Ala Mae Ramey
Linda Rankin
Jim and Jill Rich
Randy and Mary Rienks
Terri Riffe
Peter and Lucille Rizzo
Gregory and Margaret Roberts
Richard and Cara Robertson
Laurie Robinson
Robert and Trudi Robinson
Wesley and Diana Robinson
Clarice Roby
Leighton and Millie Rockafellow
Donald and Harriet Rogenes
Jan Rogers
Flo Rolighed
Joan Hirsh Rosenbluth
Marie Ross
Cynthia Rosser
Norma Roudebush
David and Suzanne Saint John
Joan Samuelson-Thomas
and Dave Thomas
Richard and Barbara Sauer
Donald and Nancy Saul
Darrell and Twyla Schaap
Lawrence and Merlene Schauf
Coralee Schellie
Robert and Norine Schenfeld
Edward Schillinger
Larry and Linda Schloss
Merle and Wilhelmina Schlosser
Donna Rae Schlott
Laura Schoenfeld
Don and Mary Schumacher
Karen Schwabacher
Ernest Schwam
Beth Scott
Ned and Nancy Selinsky
Mary Shanks
Fred and Sue Shefte
Ernest Shonts
Richard Shriver
Dale and Sandi Sikkenga
Kenneth Sliva
Jack and Marie Smart
Claud Smith
Petrina Smith
Sig and Toby Smitt
Arnold and Mary Ann Spaan
James and Marion Spain
John and Marguerite Spitler
Stephen Springer
Thomas and Brigitte Spuhler
Marvin and Mary Stafford
Linda Sterling
Shirley Steward
Marshall and Janet Stewart
Joann Stoneman
Thomas and Rita Storm
Dan Stout
Monte and Mellodie Stratman
Martha Straus
Maurene Stricker
Allen Stults
Daniel and Patricia Sturmon
Scott and Connie Swope
Lula Taylor
William and Sandra Taylor
Mark and Catherine Thomas
Sunne Thomas
Eva Thorburn
Jesse and Jane Thrall
Marion Triem
Russ and Heidi Tronstad
Margaret Tse
Karl and Sue Tucker
Naarah Turpen
Bryon and Valarie Valencia
Dave and Karen Van Vuren
Elvira Vega
Katherine Victor
George and Jean Von Stamwitz
Glen and Barbara Wagner
Larry and Luann Waldron
Ronald and Anne Walker
Charles Walton
Corky Wardle
Joanie Watkins
Kenneth and Glenna Webster
Jerene Watson
Ray and Thelma Weigle
Tim and Susan Weiland
James Weiss
Barry Weissenborn
George and Barbara Wezniak
Eula Wheeler
Rick and Elisabeth Wheeler
David and Anita White
Earl and Gloria White
Peter and Marilyne Widlock
Joe and Diane Wilcox
John and Helen Wilcox
Deon Williams
Frank and Carla Williams
Patty Wills
Bill and Marlene Wilson
Sharon Wimmer
Jill Winter
Mary Winter
Tom and Mary Wisdom
The ICS Planned Giving
Advisory Council hosts a
friend raiser for estate
and wealth management
professionals at the
Steinway Piano Gallery.
The Wolslager Foundation
Challenge Grant is achieved
as ICS raises $200,000
for its new Food Bank.
Stephen Wolslager, pictured.
Southside Presbyterian
Church and Unity of
Tucson become our 57
and 58
faith community
ICS is a site for Volunteer
Income Tax Assistance
(VITA). Fifteen volunteer
tax preparers complete
202 tax returns, putting
$293,156 of earned income
tax credit into the hands of
low-income individuals.
ICS becomes one of only
9 local charities to receive
Charity Navigator’s highest
4-star rating for fiscal
responsibility. CN President
and CEO Ken Berger says the
rating demonstrates
to the public that (ICS)
is worthy of their trust.
January continued February March
Herbert and Beverly Wright
Carolyn Wuertz
Justine Wurzel
Guy and Cynthia Yarter
$0.01 - $99
Anonymous Donors (9)
Karen Abels
Wilhelmine Adamakis
Joanne Adams
Jim and Sheila Ader
Arnold and Carole Adler
Jerry and Rebecca Ahmann
Scott and Linda Albertson
Marty Alexander
Betty Allbright
John and Joan Allison
Richard and Ruth Alm
Pearl Amacker
Nicholas Aman
Virginia Ames and Martha Burgess
Art and Susan Ammann
Joseph and Norma Ancona
Cheryl Andersen
Andy and Vaughn Anderson
Craig Anderson
Roger and Debra Anderson
Suzanne Anderson
Michael and Leann Andrade
Nancy Appell
Clyde Appleton
Harvey and Eleanor Armstrong
Sonja Armstrong
Bud and Vivian Arnold
Peg Arnold
Ray and Cindy Arrebollo
Elizabeth Augello
Chuck Aurand
Dorothy Austin
Joanne Avenson
Sonny and Jane Babineaux
Marie Bacchiocchi and
Sandra Clockedile
Bernadine Bagnall
Anita Baker
Janet Barker
Robert and Minnie Barrett
Donald and Wannette Barron
Harold and Nancy Bates
Mary and John Bauer
Bernice Baum
Edwin and Elizabeth Bebee
Gerard Beck
Peter and Cathleen Becskehazy
Maryannette Bednar
Trevor and Maxine Beecham
Walter and Jane Beecher
Wayne and Jane Beem
June Behan
Ben Behrens
Leslie Behrens
Mary Belanus
Clara Bell
Ronald and Cindy Bellavia
George and Lois Belock
John and Linda Berdahl
Bryan and Stephanie Bergsma
Tom Berresford
Jack and Joan Berryman
David and Joan Bevirt
Frank Bialek and
Helen Callahan
John and Lou Ann Bieging
Charles and Helen Blair
Diane Blair
Linda Blais
Mary Sue Blinman
Edwin and Shirley Blum
Ned and Liz Boardman
Ken and Danis Bobbe
Carol Bogg
Hyman and Gloria Bolotin
Stephanie Bolthouse
Al and Rita Bolty
Robert and Penelope Bond
Don and Barbara Borenstein
Estelle Bornhurst
Kathryn Bossuyt
Joe Botsko
Ellen Bowlby
Linda and Thomas Boyden
Dorothy Boyes
Jo Rose Brackeen
Christian and Mary Brent
Edna Brooks
Joseph Brossart
Joanne Broussard
Jeannette Brown
Ken and Carol Brown
Richard and Darlene Brown
Roger Brown and Karen Brown
Michael and Stephanie Brueggemann
Doris Brummit
Rosemarie Bruner
Lori Bryant
Victor and Elaine Bryant
Ward and Muriel Budzien
Thomas Bunch and Ruth Grant
Robert and Carol Burckle
Bob and Ruth Burke
Susanne Burke-Zike
Barbara Burns
Ek Buys and Jill Littrell
Jim Byers
Roger and Ellen Caldwell
Rick and Jennifer Cammarata
Marion Cammiso
Ragna Campbell
Robert and Loretta Capristo
Rebecca Carhuff
Mary Kay Carlson
Linda Carr
Reinald and Maribelle Carter
James and Theresa Cartin
Jerry and Sandra Cates
Marie Cephers
Regina Chadwick
Patricia Charland
Mark and Jennifer Chenault
Miriam Christensen
Trudy Christopher
Robert Christy
Joe and Jan Chumley
Allen and Dena Clark
Michael and Kathleen Clark
David and Sara Clement
Karen Clifton
Evelyn Cline
Linda Coffman
Margie Colie
Mordecai and Carol Colodner
Lanny Colton
Sue Coltrin
Barbara Conboy
Camille Concannon
Dinshaw and Hutoxy Contractor
Steven and Denise Cook
Brian Cooke
Diane Cooper
Kenneth and Shelly Cooper
Josephine Cordasco
Richard and Ann Cordero
Kenneth and Donna Cousino
Michael and Christine Crabb
Donald and Helen Crandall
Margaret Craycraft
Jan Crebbs
Charles and Diane Creed
John and Mary Cronin
Josie and Michael Cuestas
David and Nancy Cunningham
Trevor and Martha Cymbaluk
Richard and Karen Czech
Marilynn D’Antonio
Julie Dagnillo
Thomas and Veronika Danielson
Richard Dashiell
Deborah Daun
Graham and Alison Davey
Nita Davisson
Mel Deakin
David and Madeleine Decker
William and Patricia Deely
Gilbert and Stephanie Delgado
Lawrence and Florence DeLucia
Michael and Darlene Depietro
Charlotte Dewindt
Gary and Linda Dhaemers
James and Sarah Dick
Robert and Alissa Dionne
Robert and Kathryn Donnelly
Steven and Donna Douglas
Robert and Maija Downing
Robert and Joan Drake
Tanya Drexler
Therese Dudas
Andrea Dukes
Ed and Michelle Dunlap
Gerald and Elaine Dunlap
Mary Dunn (deceased)
Henry and Jeanetta Dupas
Michael and Ellen Duperret
Ede and Dee Durst
John and Laura Dutra
Joyce Eggericks
Saul and Betty Elasowich
Mary Elethorp
Florence Elletson
Larry and Judith Ellis
Frederic and Anna Belle Emery
Brenda Engelby
Hundreds learn will
preparation basics as ICS
hosts 7 free Write A Will
workshops presented by
experienced, volunteer
tax attorneys and certified
financial planners.
Phase II Fundraising
Campaign to furnish the
new Food Bank kicks off
with a goal to raise an
additional $150,000
needed to equip the facility.
Mayors Satish Hiremath
of Oro Valley and Ed Honea,
pictured, of Marana ride
along with ICS volunteers
to deliver Mobile Meals to
seniors and the disabled
during Mayors for Meals
Over 200 ICS volunteers
lasso a day of western
fun, food and heartfelt
appreciation during
the annual Volunteer
Recognition Lunch.
ICS breaks ground on the
new 2,700-square-foot Food
Bank. In attendance: Pima
County Supervisors Ann
Day and Richard Elias,
Stephen Wolslager of
The Wolslager Foundation,
Linda and Jennifer Lohse,
and Bruce and Karen
Hamar Bittmann.
Teresa Engle
Jane Erikson
Mary Evans
Raymond and Dorothea Evans
William and Rebecca Evans
Lawrence and Colleen Farnam
Bryant and Susan Farnsworth
Ronnie and Shira Fass
Jim and Mary Feisley
Berenice Fenn
Mary Jo Fenton
Joseph Fernandes
Lauryl Fife
Mark Fink and Trudy Mills
Brian and Marilee Fitzgerald
Betty Flax
Charles and Emlyn Fletcher
Gary and Roberta Fluharty
John Foley
Donald and Brenda Forbus
Alice Ford
Karen Ford
Carol Forster
David and Susan Foster
Mertice Foti
Van Fowers
Roland and Chris Fox
Charles and Barbara Fradenburgh
Jeanette Franklund
Jacqueline Franks
Richard and Sondra Franks
Christian and Pamela Fredericksen
John and Leona Freshour
Bill and Rose Fries
Joseph and Debra Fries
Barbara Furman
CW and Sonia Gaddis
Harold and Kathleen Gaisford
William and Diana Galis
Rosie Garcia
Thomas and Marylin Garcia
Frank and Renate Gargiulo
Roy and Margaret Gaskin
Ravin Gaston
Albert and Joan Gatto
John Gatto
Katie Geran
James and Debbie Gessaman
Fran Gigstad
Sue Gilles
Richard and Glenda Gillespie
Darrell and Christina Gillette
Michael and Virginia Gillum
Marion Gilmer
Beth Gilmore
James and Linda Girard
Anthony and Carrie Gladish
Barbara Glaser
Susan Glen
Larry and Barbara Glenn
Melissa Gold
Michael Goldthorpe
Gordon Goodman and Gail Kushner
Nicki Goodman
Richard and Janice Gourley
Edward and Robin Grabel
Peter and Inger Graf
Kay Gragg
Marilyn Gragg
Betty Grassmeyer
Stuart Green
Theodore and Beverly Greenburg
David Greene
Elizabeth Greve
Richard and Christine Griebel
Albert and Margaret Griffith
Raymond and Patricia Grillo
William and Jane Grinonneau
Bill and Barbara Gross
Ed Guilford and Judith Toone
Chuck and Connie Guy
Ben and Stacey Hackett
Thomas G. Hackett
Lida Haden
Helene Haehl
Nancy Hagberg
Beverly Hall
Lou and Bonita Hall
Mark and Mary Hall
W. Neil and Jane Hall
Dale and Gail Hallen
Lee and Patty Hamburger
Sevilla Hammond
Judy Hans
Denny and Glenann Hanson
Jimmy and Bettye Happeny
Doug and Barbara Harding
Grace Harding
Loren and Rowena Hardinger
Joanne Harlow
Gordon Harnack and Lynne Namka
Irene Harrison
Web and Ethel Hart
Philipp Hartline
George Hartung
William and Nancy Haugh
Carol Hauglum
Frederick and Beth Hayes
Jane Hayes
David and Liz Hays
Gladys Hays
Lester and Suzanne Hayt
Kathy Hebb
Doreen Hedger
Carolyn Heilman
Walter Heilman
Jim and Jennifer Heilmann
Gene Helsel
Donald and Bonnie Hemming
Betty Hendren
Les and Sarah Henson
Andy and Linda Hernandez
Joel Hessel
George and Anna Hewitt
Matthew and Heather High
James and Deborah Hilbert
Nancy Hildreth
Dan and Marti Hill
Melvin and Joan Hilman
Thomas and Norma Hinds
Timothy and Christine Hintzoglou
Mai Ho-Schaefer
Charles Hockersmith and Donna
Mary Hockings
Ronald and Shirley Holle
Mary Holloway
Stephen and Diana Holmes
Judith Holt
John and Darlene Holtrop
Nicole Homan-Marcum
Richard and Vicki Hout
Ed and Carol Hovasse
Cheryl Howell
Gifford and Cynthia Hoyer
David and Mary Hriczak
Larry and Katy Hubka
Elizabeth Huddleston
Brian and Linda Hudgel
Ralph and Sheri Hudson
Glen and Charlotte Huffman
Grace Huitsing
Phil and Helen Hull
Robert Hunt and Judy Wilhelm
Lucy Hurtado
Naomi Islin
Mary Jackson
Myra Jacobs
Sheryl Jameson
Susan Jenkin
John and Jane Jenkins
Robert and Carol Jennens
Don and Arline Jeschke
Douglas and Virginia Jewell
Edgar and Geraldine Johnson
Janice Johnson
Wayne and Karen Johnson
Jacqueline Jones
Michael and Jamie Jueschke
Perry and Gwen Jurgens
Quentin and Rhondda Kahler
Barry Kalpin and Diane Bart
Mary Kastura
Diane Katz
Jerome and Sarah Katz
Michael and Linda Kayden
Stephen and Carey Keefe
John Keller
Kenneth Kemerling and
Charlotte Marshall
Ed and Alice Kendrick
Berton Kernahan
Jo Kervick
Murray and Joyce Keshner
Richard and Carol Kestler
Muriel Kevett
Charles Kieffer
Cheryl Kilgore
William and Linda Killian
Elaine King
Russell and Sylvia Kingsley
Howard and Elizabeth Kinslinger
Gene and Cheryl Klett
Charles and Marjorie Kline
Madge Kling
Beverly Kloehn
Leslie Klusmire
Roger and Kim Knapp
Helen Knoche
Michael and Sharon Knutson
Stewart Kobritz
Jack and Florence Koch
Beverly Kohfeld
Christine Kollen
Susan Kraft
Dieter and Judy Krausser
John and Betty Kreiling
Robert and Karen Kreiling
Linda Krier
Mary Krutz
Allen Kulwin
Robert and Joyce Kuneth
Andrew and Linda Kunsberg
Mitch and Fran Kurker
Mary Lamp
John and Eileen Lamse
Darryl and Sarah Landau
Michelle Landeros
Dean and Kay Landis
Scott and Susan Lardner
Cheryl Leader
Jo Leibowitz
Buddy and Tommie Lester
Henry and Vivian Lewis
Betty Liberty
Robert and Delores Lind
Elisabeth Lindemuth
Eugene and Marilyn Linderkamp
Wayne and Lana Lindquist
Lee and Margie Lindstrom
Geraldine Ling
Pete and Sheila Lipera
Edward Lipton
Craig and Jan Littlefield
Mike and Carla Livak
Robert and Mary Locklin
Edith Loesche
Cynthia Long
John and Barbara Lonien
Paul Loomis
Ruben and Martha Lopez
LaVergne Luedke
Cordelia Lundquist
Barbara Lyon
Nick and Anne MacDowell
Carleton and Nancy MacFarlane
Ilse MacKenzie
Francis MacMillan
Ginger Maghran
Joyce Malcolm
Thomas and Connie Mallette
Jack and Kathy Mallgren
John and Regina Mangold
Mildred Manion
Mara Mann
Cyd Marcus
Dennis and Mindy Marsh
Jennifer Marshall
Philip and Phyllis Marsilius
Norm and Julia Martenson
Mercedes Martinez
Steve and Mary Mashek
Judith Mattfield
Dale and Nancy Maxson
Nora May
Dale and Ruth Mayer
Joyce Mayer
Martha Mazzolini
Carol McBride
Lauri McCanless
Jeanne McCleery
Ed and Elizabeth McClutchey
Stephen McCommon
Stephen McCotter and Linda Zello
Cheryl McCurry
Myrna McCutchen
Charles and Janet McGary
Gerald and Elsie McGowan
Richard and Susan McGriff
Anne McKechnie
Lawrence McSwegan
Susan Meere
Bob and Joyce Meisenheimer
Chyrll Meldgaard
Warren and Cynthia Meloling
Michael and Diane Mencarini
Stanley and Dena Merr
Audrey Merriman
Matthew Meyer
Tanya Meyer
Al and Penna Michalczyk
Marty and Brent Michelson
Daniel and Stephanie Mihalyi
Arthur and Millie Miller
Henry and Sharon Miller
Margaret Miller
Winona Miller
Don and Louise Milligan
Steve and Bonny Milne
Bette Mingus
Terry and Joyce Minks
Patricia Mirabella
John Miranda
George and Doris Mitchell
Patricia Monsen
Noris Montalvan
Edward and Shari Montgomery
Marvin and Judy Moomau
Edith Moore
Peter and Cindy Mordaunt
Ray and Amy Mosely
Judy Moses
Micki Mulkern
Barry and Carol Munro
Ruby Munson
Casey and Orla Murphy
Timothy and Mary Murphy
Bruce and Rene Myers
Jeffrey Myers and Marie Galloway
Patricia Myers
Tibor and Denise Nagy
Christopher and Terry Neale
Anne Nelson
John and Betty Nelson
John Nemerovski and Barbara Adler
Donald Nevins
Ann Newbold
John and Ann Newport
Roger and Marilyn Nichols
Keith and Chris Nodolf
Raymond and Maureen Noeth
Robert and Colleen Nolan
Kenneth and Judith Nolen
Ryan and Karin Nowak
Jane and Skip Nugent
Teresa Nunez
ICS Caregiving Department
launches a new TeleCHAT
program. Volunteers bring
some sunshine into the lives
of homebound seniors with
friendly afternoon calls.
ICS meets the Ed and
Kay Jenkins $1 Million
Endowment Challenge.
Endowment contributions
grow to $2.4 million laying
the foundation for a solid
financial future for ICS.
Demand at the ICS
Food Bank continues
to escalate: 1,000
emergency food boxes
and 12,000 supplemental
items distributed to
hungry families monthly.
Ed Jenkins ends a
successful 4-year term
as President of the ICS
Board of Directors. Vice
President Steve Pollyea
pictured left becomes new
Christ the King Episcopal
Church amends our lease
agreement, paving the way
for construction of the new
Food Bank Building.
May June
Photo by Arizona Daily Star
James and Joyce O’Connor
John and Jean O’Hanlon
Pamela O’Shea
Gerry Oguss
Jeffrey Oldakowski
Stanley Oliphant
Lee and Jayme Olitzky
Terry and Joyce Olson
Virginia Olson
Betty Ord
David and Pamela Owens
Larry and Judy Oyen
Terry Pabst
Jeanne Pacheco
Alfred and Sylvia Paley
Ann Park
Hubert Parker and Dora Radin
Damian Parkinson and Necoe Otto
Doreen Parks
Gil and Kathy Parrish
Don Paster and Lea Wilson-Paster
John and Jean Payne
Martin and Regina Pedata
Chester and Dorothy Peers
Sue Pell
Richard and Aldonna Perry
Grace Peterman
Margaret Peterman
James and Mary Jo Peterson
Nadine Pickett
Wayne Pierri
Janet Pipes
Angelo and Joyce Pisciotta
Tom and Ardis Pitello
Brainard and Leslie Ann Platt
Chuck and Kaye Pledge
Joseph and Janet Pochter
Norma Poer
Elizabeth Polcar
Tom and Marcia Polley
Carmen and Manuel Pomales
Lonnie Pomeroy
Maureen Pond
Fe and Mabelito Postadan
Bill and Stephanie Potts
Michael and Maridale Powell
Linda Powers
Norma Poy
Gloria Prabel
Dorothy Prestidge
Don and Bobbie Prochazka
Ruth Protas
Jill Provan
Steven Quick and Mary Good
Arthur and Sharon Ragland
Paul and Pamela Raikunen
Eileen Rakita
Virginia Ralston
Ferdinand and Lisa Rambaud
Peter and Jody Rathfelder
Vivian Rayford
Thomas and Cynthia Reiners
Leann Reiss
Ethel Richemont
Don and Joan Rietz
Elaine and Geary Rise
Harry and Joan Robertshaw
Ruth Robertson
Gail Robson
Bill and Marli Rock
William and Joyce Rockafield
Terrence and Carol Rohr
Jane Rojas
Michele Romero
Patrick Ronan
Calvin and Joanie Rooker
Fay Roos
Bettie Roosma
Andrew Ross
Dorothea Roundy
Laurel Rountree
Laverne Ruhberg
Karen Ruhland
Barbara Ruiter
Jonathon and Susan Rumba
John and Sara Rumbaugh
Audrey Rupracht
Linda and John Rutherford
John and Nancy Saatkamp
Richard and Lois Safran
Hal and Jane Sager
Helen Salazar
Jeff and Linda Salfen
William and Lu Salisbury
Bill Sampson
Charlotte Sandoval
William and Paula Sands
Rosa Sandwell-Weiss
Anne Sapp
Thomas and Sally Saunders
Elizabeth Saxby
Ray and Calista Schafer
Joan Schapp
Elizabeth Schauer
William and Kathleen Scherzinger
Gordon and Dorinne Schiffman
Jeff and Tracey Schildberg
Kathryn Schlecter
Vera Schlesinger
Arthur and Jean Schmid
Thomas and Karen Schnee
Michael and Suzanne Schober
Michael and Deanna Schroer
Teresa Schultz
Eugene Scott
Audrey Sears
William and Betty Sebert
Timothy Secomb
Carl and Elizabeth Segerstrom
William and Cynthia Senn
Irma Sensenbach
Leonard and Elsie Sevick
Joanne Sexton
Frances Shillito
Delbert and Dale Shoots
Joanne Shortt
Marian Shultis
Gail and Jean Shultz
Shellie Simler
Dan and Patricia Sims
Melinda Sims
Domingo and Kathy Sison
Kevin and Sylvia Skinner
Mary Slachter
Martin and Coe Marie Slattery
Donald and Sandra Smith
Duwayne and Lynda Smith
Harvey and Nan Smith
Mark and Laurie Smith
Sherry Sobel
Barbara Springs
Dorothy Stabler
Fran Stach
George and Claire Stahler
Anne Stalter
Don and Anne Stalter
John and Liz Stambaugh
Constance Stapleton
Christopher and Gail Staring
Kimberly Starkey
Nancy Ann Starkey
Richard and Joyce Starry
Jack and Evelyn Statler
Betty Stauffer
Laura Steckman
Hildegard Steinbach
Sandra Stephenson
Jane Steuart
Brian and Judy Stevens
Eileen Stevens
James and Karen Stevens
Mary Stevens
Ronald and Mary Stewart
Kenneth and Nancy Stickel
Charles and Helen Stipe
Carlton and Patricia Stoddard
Mark and Sandra Stolker
David and Linda Stone
Mildred Strassberg
James Stratman
Linda Stratton
Maria Strittmatter
Virginia Strong
Harold and Ruthann Stults
Sungwon and Ligia Suh
Jane Swicegood
John and Nancy Swinford
Debra Sykes
Freeman and Rebecca Taber
Patricia Tapke
Pete Taufen
Julie Taylor
Ron and Beverly Taylor
Art and Denise Tellez
Faith Thesingh
Dorothy Thomas
Maxine Thomas
William Thomas
Margaret Thompson
Than Thum
Jesse and Jennifer Todd
Kay Tornay
Evangeline Torres
Gilmore and Blanche Tostengard
Beatrice Toth
James and Janice Tress
Kevin and Pearl Trick
Betty Trimm
Jack and Carol Ullrich
William and Carol Ulrich
Jim and Hideko Uomoto
Construction of the new
Food Bank begins in
early July. The facility is
scheduled to open to the
public in October 2011,
with official dedication
spring 2012.
ICS receives two cargo
vans: the first from Tucson
Electric Power and the
other, a refrigerated van,
from the Calistri Family
Foundation to accelerate
its food collection and
outreach capabilities.
ICS adopts a new, aggressive
three-year strategic plan
laying a course for the future.
Freedom from Hunger
Drive collects 15,000
pounds of food and $2,800.
Thanks Hughes Federal
Credit Unions, Eegee’s,
Alive Fitness, Paragon
Space Development
Corp., Oro Valley Library,
Albertson’s Ina/La Cholla,
Bank of Tucson, and
Led by ICS friend and
former recipient Terri
Ashbaugh, the Southern
Arizona Women’s Chorus
performs a rousing mixed
summer concert, collecting
over $1,400 and 900 pounds
of food for ICS.
July and beyond
Jim and Sheila Ader
A. G. Edwards
Aldea Spiritual Community
Alive Fitness
George and Mary Allen
R. & P. Ameron
Anewco Products, Inc
Ascension Lutheran Church
Nancy Atherton
Dick Backus
Bahai’s of Oro Valley
Bank of America
Mary Bauer
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Beta Sigma Phi
Beyond Bread
Kathy Black
Bruce and Karen Hamar Bittmann
Shawn Barber
Body Basics
Ken Boerner
Marilyn Browning
Brownstone Reading Group
R. and P. Cameron
California Design Center
Capilla del Sol Christian Church
Terrence Carden
Cindy Carfi
Casa de la Luz Social Services
Casas Adobes Congregational Church
Catalina Foothills High School Choir
CDO Band Boosters
Canyon del Oro Baptist Church
Vi Chemas
Christ Presbyterian Church
Christ the King Episcopal Church
Church of Latterday-Saints
Church of the Apostles
Church of the Painted Hills
Circle K
Community of Christ Church
Congregation M’kor Hayim
Congregation Or Chadash
John Conn
Alice Cook
Janni Cox
Copper Creek Home Owners Association
Cortaro Farms Pet Hospital
Cortaro Vista Community Church
Crooked Tree Golf
Larry and Sue Davis
Jim and Pat DeAnda
Elizabeth Dempree
Dee and Ede Durst
Desert Skies United Methodist Church
Dove Mountain Seniors
Dove of Peace Lutheran Church
Edward Jones Offices
Einstein Bagels
El Patio Homes
Betty Elasowich
Kelly Everett
Faith Christian Fellowship of Tucson
Father Dick Tomasek
Andy and Carol Fiore
Marilee Fitzgerald
GAP Ministries
First Hope Christian Fellowship
Beth Gorena
Denise Gelines
Girl Scout Troop #1676
Sam Goodwin
Ruth Ann Gribb
Carlene Henry
Nancy Haaker
Tom and Mary Ann Hackett
Wendy Hackett
Beth Hagel
Teresa Hale
Shawna Henderson
Sue Henshaw
Joanne Hites
Home Instead
Linda Hood
Larry Hubka
Hughes Federal Credit Union
Richard Hughes
Hundred Palms Assisted Living
Carol Imler
Ironwood Ridge National Honor Society
Kelly Irwin
Sur Irwin
ITT Technical Institute
Diane Jackson
Connie Jahnke
Jewish Federation
Lori Jordan
Helen Koehler
Ladies Night Out
John and Kathy Lauder
Laura Lentner
Clara Lind
Lana Lockaby
Kim Lorenz
Lord of Grace Lutheran Church
Anastasha Lynn
Bob Lyons
Jerry Mahle
Rebecca Malone
Joanne McCutcheon
Gene and Alice McHale
John and Kathy McIntyre
Tami Medlen
Peggy Milbrant
Lee Milligan
Christine Miotke
Mesa Verde Kids Helping Kids
Ron Moody
Margaret Mothersead
Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church
Mountain View Baptist Church
Suzanne Nadig-Wall
Nanini Public Library
Sandy Nelson
Nerters Inc.
Northminster Presbyterian Church
Northwest Baptist Church
Northwest Friends Community Church
Northwest Hospital & Urgent Care
Northwest Medical Center
Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene
Oro Valley Public Library
Oro Valley United Church of Christ
Jeanne Pacheo
Paragon Space Development Corporation
Charlotte Patt
Terri Patt-Smith
Nicole Patton
Jan Paulette
Kirk Pielow
Prescott College
Pusch Ridge Christian Church
Sandy Rausch
Cliff Reagan
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Andrea Rogers
Ronald McDonald House
Rose Fries Bridge Group
Jim and Virgina Roth
Rotary Club – Oro Valley
Sabino High School National
Honor Society
Saddleridge Apartments
Carol Sanders
Glorie Schell
Cheryl Schmitt
SEAs 50+ Club
Lynn and Elsie Sevick
Jim and Sandy Seymour
Maude Shingler
Jacque Shaffer
Jim and Kelly Shurrock
Sonoran Science Academy
Alex Smith
Chris Smith
Jim and Barbara Souter Splendido
Lois Stark
Jay Stephens
Stone Canyon Twilight Couples Golf
Nan Stoner
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Pre-School
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
St. John on the Desert
Presbyterian Church
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Michael and All Angels Church
St. Odilia Catholic Church
St. Philip’s in the Hills Espicopal Church
Sundancer Square Dance Club
Marcie and Esther Sutland
TEP Resource Management
Third Church of Christ, Scientist
Tohono Chul Park
Tortolita Middle School
Tortolita Presbyterian Church
Carolyn Toth
Town of Oro Valley
Lisa Traynor
Tucson Moms
Chris Turco
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson
UU Congregation of NW Tucson
Dave and Ellen Vellenga
Paul Vetrano
Vistoso Village
Terri Nadig-Wall
Welcome Club of Northwest Tucson
Terri Watson-Johnson
Hilary Wells
Denise Werner
White Gorilla
Wilson Middle School
Jeffery and Ellen Van De Vanter
Leon and Lisa Van Holsbeke
Gary Vega
Marianne Vivirito and Ross Iwamoto
Dorie Voigt
Johanna VonMayr
Eric Wagner
Hart and Gretel Wagner
Lance and Mary Wald
Sandra Walhof
Marilyn Walters
Paul and Edna Walton
Ella Waltz
Evelyn Warchol
Dan and Caroline Warren
Stephen Weber
Bill and Jacquelyne Webster
Thomas and Marianne Weeks
Arthur and Madelyn Weingarden
Neil and Carol Weinstein
Mollie Weitzner
James and Kathleen Wells
Mary Wells
Walter G. Wentzel
John and Marilyn Wessels
Barbara Westrom
Mary Wezelman
Pat and Lorene White
Helen White
Janelle White
Jeff Wiese
David and Kathryn Wilkinson
Jeffrey and Veronica Williams
Minnie Williams
Nedra Williams
Todd and Kim Williams
Jean and Jon Wing
Albert and Harriet Winn
Carol Winter
Carol Wolfe
Mary Wolken
Helen Wong
Kenneth and Sandra Wortzel
Lester and Rachel Wortzel
Daniel and Ember Wright
Dick and Kay Wrolsen
Pamela Xeele
Joseph and Suzanne Zimbardo
Frank Zimmer
Cindy Zokhrouf
Loretta Zucker
Teresiana Zurita
Peter and Cindy Zwick
*Denotes Auto Donation
From the
ICS and Our Clients faced another
year of tough economic times in
fiscal year 2011. Nevertheless,
through careful management of
our expenses and a successful
year of fund raising, we were
able to increase our operations
and the services we provided
by $250,000, an increase of
10.6%. At the same time ICS
held its administrative and fund
raising costs to just 16.5%, well
below the national average.
ICS also improved its financial position during fiscal year 2011.
With no outstanding debt and an increasing endowment, ICS
ended the year with net assets in excess of $2 million.
Our financial statements are audited by DeVries CPAs of
Arizona and are available on our website. I would be pleased
to meet with you to discuss our financial results.
As of June 30
2011 2010
Current Assets
$ 848,697.00 $ 342,551.00
Endowment Funds
1,645,660.00 1,236,547.00
Property & Equipment
614,799.00 565,697.00
TOTAL ASSETS $3,109,156.00 $2,144,795.00
Current Liabilities
$ 75,766.00 $ 91,628.00
Net Assets
3,033,390.00 2,053,167.00
$3,109,156.00 $2,144,795.00
In-Kind $ 1,096,552.00
Assistance thru Casework $ 260,904.00
Individuals $ 358,472.00
Government Grants $ 408,351.00
Faith Communities $ 215,917.00
Foundations $ 112,600.00
Mobile Meals $ 96,844.00
Events, Corporate, Other $ 97,533.00
Total Resources $2,647,173.00
Emergency Assistance $ 674,203.00
Food Bank $ 962,607.00
Training and Outreach $ 302,426.00
Development $ 201,500.00
Administrative $ 236,808.00
Mobile Meals $ 133,719.00
Caregiving Services $ 74,910.00
Health Advocacy $ 69,889.00
Total Services $2,656,062.00
41% In-Kind
10% Assistance
thru Casework
14% Individuals
Faith Communities
Government Grants
4% Foundations
4% Mobile Meals
4% Events, Corporate, Other
36% Food Bank
Emergency Assistance
11% Training
and Outreach
8% Development
9% Administrative
5% Mobile Meals
3% Caregiving Services
3% Health Advocacy
2007 2011
# of services provided by ICS
39,976 49,113 23%
Unduplicated # of individuals 9,695 20,824 115%
# of member faith communities 40 58 45%
Value of services from audited
$1,407,000 $2,656,062 89%
# of volunteer hours 30,510 41,406 36%
Unduplicated individuals served
by food bank
4,161 12,325 196%
Value of food distributed
through the food bank
$246,481 $912,883 270%
Growth in Services
Through Trying Times
Thanks to the wonderful support of our volunteers, donors and community
friends, ICS has grown its services to meet escalating need – even through
a lingering recession.
Five Years
OF Growth
ICS Board
of dIreCTorS
Steve Pollyea, President, Retired,
Marketing Executive
Ed Jenkins, Immediate Past President,
Retired, Accounting Executive
Janet Grace, Vice President, Community
Kevin Koch, VP of Faith Communities,
Attorney and Educator
Scott Summerford, Treasurer, Wells Fargo
Betsy Sandlin, Community Leader
Ken Blanchard, Edward Jones
Art McDonald, Tucson Electric Power
Kristin Behrens, Oro Valley Hospital
Mary Ann Brody, Owner, Kissed by an Italian
Mac Fiske, Retired, Business Executive
Doug Haynes, Merrill Lynch
Kathy Goff, University of AZ Medical Center
Vicky Johnson, Dentist
Mike Mumford, Oro Valley Hospital
Barry Robinson, Retired, Corporate
Bonnie Kampa, Executive Director
Terri Patt-Smith, Associate Director
Deborah Carr, Development Director
Nick Aman, Mobile Meals Coordinator
Cheryl Andersen, Caregiving Services
Cathy Anderson, Caregiving Services
Curt Balko, Food Bank Coordinator
Sandi Brickley, Volunteer Resources
Manager/NW Faith Engagement Manager
Shar Caulley, Development Assistant
Mary Elethorp, Health Advocacy
Administrative Assistant
Karen MacDonald, Faith Engagement
Maureen Pattison, Mobile Meals Assistant
Maricela Reynaert, Health Advocacy
Josè Rivera, Financial Assistance Senior
Andrea Rogers, Health Advocacy
Jacque Shaffer, Accounting Assistant
Maude Shingler, Business Manager
Barbara Souter, Administrative Assistant
Chuck Waldron, Eastside Coordinator
Our new three-year strategic plan is helping us to stay true to our mission
while expanding services for our neighbors in need. Here is what is coming in the 2012 fiscal year.
MaIn offICe (on the campus of Christ the King Episcopal Church)
2820 W. Ina Road, Tucson, AZ 85741-2502
Phone: 520-297-6049
FAX 520-797-3029
eaSTSIde offICe (on the campus of New Spirit Lutheran Church)
8701 E. Old Spanish Trail, Tucson, AZ 85710
Phone: 520-731-3076
FAX 520-731-8906
ICS is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.
The new and expanded ICS Food Bank will be in
full operation to help us serve more hungry families.
This long-awaited—and much larger—facility makes
it possible to provide fresh produce and dairy items
for healthier meals. It will also enable ICS to provide
programs on budget-friendly meals and nutrition
education for recipients.
ICS Resource Centers will be growing to help with
job assistance. Our center on Ina Road will be
expanded and a second center will open at our
Eastside office. Together, they will help more
families move toward self-sufficiency and economic
Our discretionary Good Samaritan Fund will be
bolstered to $150,000. Increased support through
grants and other funding over the next few years
will enable ICS to assist a growing number of clients
battling economic stresses exacerbated by long-term
ICS will respond to rising concerns among our faith
communities about mental health issues. ICS, with
support from the David and Lura Lovell Foundation,
will host a spring 2012 conference to provide
faith and community leaders with current information
about mental health needs and to help them create
welcoming places for families affected by mental
Senior Services will be increased. We will grow our
health advocacy, transportation, caregiving relief,
Mobile Meals and other support services to help
elderly and disabled clients remain independent.
ICS will continue to engage the community through
new partnerships. Forging new relationships with faith
communities, community and government agencies,
our donors and volunteers will help us leverage
resources to meet rising need.
For information on our progress and how you can help, please contact the ICS office. Your support
will ensure that ICS is there for those who are counting on us.
Thank You!
A Look Ahead