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@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
Career Success Resume Template: Instructions
The College of Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success can aid you in
resume preparation for the internship or job search. This template is designed to help you with
formatting your resume, providing tips on how to create a visually appealing document. For
guidance on what content to include in your resume, refer to the Career Success collection of
resume tip sheets. We have 17 tip sheets customized to the needs of Arts and Sciences majors.
We have created this template as a guide for you to begin crafting your resume. You can refer to
the Resume Tips for First-Year Students tip sheet and the Core Resume Sections for a College
Student tip sheets for additional resume guidance. Please feel free to use this template to plug in
your specific resume content. The following instructions will help you as you work through the
template. After you have used this template to create a resume, we highly encourage you to
follow-up with a career coaching appointment to receive additional feedback on your content,
formatting, structure, etc. You can schedule an appointment with a Career Coach via Handshake.
Applicable Career Communities:
Download the Career Success Resume Template
Additional Resources
If you find it challenging to work with Microsoft Office, please refer to these FREE options for online
Microsoft Word training:
Lynda Online Training with a Columbus Metropolitan Library Card
Ohio Means Jobs Online Training -
Career Success Quick Chat: If you have a question regarding using the tip sheet and/or a quick
question about building your resume, please feel free to send a message to a Career Coach during our
Quick Chat hours
Want more? Connect with your Career Coach for personalized job search strategies!
@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
Template Instructions:
Download the FREE Microsoft Word software via OSU’s IT site - https://osuitsm.service-
2. Open a new, blank Word document to create your own template using the next steps OR open
the Career Success Resume Template
to begin crafting your resume. If you opt to plug your
content into the Career Success resume template, you can disregard the following steps unless
you would like to make formatting changes to the template.
Under the “Home” tab in the “Styles” section at the top of your document, click on the “No
Spacing” option. This will ensure that your resume is not automatically formatted so that there
is not unnecessary spacing between lines throughout your document.
4. Select an easy-to-read classic serif font such as Times New Roman, Arial, Georgia and a font
size between 10-12 point. Your name, however, should be the largest text on the document
and the font size of your name may exceed 12 point.
5. You can decide how you want to set the margins before you create your resume or after you
complete your resume. We recommend setting a margin size that is between .5” to 1” on all
four sides. Click on the “Layout” tab and select “Margins” to set your margin size. The “Narrow”
setting (.5” on all four sides) is the smallest that you should make your margins as anything
narrower might compromise printing.
Want more? Connect with your Career Coach for personalized job search strategies!
@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
In order to ensure that you can properly format and align your resume content, you must make
the Ruler visible. This is particularly important to do in order to evenly align content with the
right margin!
Click on the “View” tab and then click on “Ruler” to make it visible.
Go to the first line where you want content to align with the right right-aligned
Double-click anywhere on the white part of the ruler. That will give you a left tab (if you hover
your cursor over it, it will be identified as a left tab).
Want more? Connect with your Career Coach for personalized job search strategies!
@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
Double click on that left tab to open the tabs dialogue box. Note: be careful to double click
directly on that same left tab, otherwise you will create additional tabs; once you have the
dialogue box open, you can click on “Clear” to remove all tabs on that particular line in the
document. Selecting “Clear All”, however, will undo any of the alignment you’ve done
elsewhere in your document! You may not want this
Want more? Connect with your Career Coach for personalized job search strategies!
@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
Select “Right” within the tabs dialogue box.
You will then see that the left tab has flipped around and become a right tab! (If you hover over
this with your cursor, you’ll also see that it will be identified as a right tab.)
Want more? Connect with your Career Coach for personalized job search strategies!
@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
Then, click again carefully one directly on your new right tab and drag it in the ruler section
over until it aligns exactly with the right margin (which is marked by a little blue or white triangle
shaped indent marker).
10. Finally! Hit the “Tab” key on your keyboard, which will align your cursor with the right margin
and type away!
Want more? Connect with your Career Coach for personalized job search strategies!
@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
Final Thoughts
If you are creating a brand new document and adding content line-by-line, each subsequent line should
automatically align with the right margin when you hit tab. You should be good to go from here on
However, if you alter the margin size to better fit all of your resume content on the page, you will need to
go through and add in a right tab alignment line by line. This is also true if you are revising a document
you have already created. Yes, it is a bit tedious! But be patient, and you’ll soon have a sharp,
professional looking finished product. Happy resume writing!