SAP Service Description for Business Transformation and Plan Services ENGLISH v.1-2015 1
Services Description
Business Transformation and Plan Services
SAP Business Transformation and Plan Services provides consulting and prototyping services to facilitate Licensee innovation and transformation for
competitive advantage agenda. SAP will assist Licensee through Business Transformation Services in developing SAP solutions, right from business
innovation, strategic business architecture design to implementation and adoption strategies, business performance management and building
SAP will provide business and technical expertise to perform the Business Transformation and Plan Services for Licensee’s SAP on premise solutions,
SAP cloud solutions or integration of non-SAP solutions as may be defined in the Order Form and the Scope Document thereto.
1 SAP Business Transformation and Plan Services
SAP Business Transformation and Plan Services currently include:
SAP Business Strategy and Architecture Services
SAP Business Performance Management Services
SAP Business Innovation Services
SAP Program Management and Project Management Services
SAP Adoption Services
SAP Business Process Management (BPM) Services
SAP Customer Center of Excellence (CCoE) Transformation Services
SAP Guidance Services
SAP Value Prototyping Services
2 Approach
SAP Business Transformation and Plan Services listed above may be delivered through a SAP Value Partnership engagement or as a standalone
service. SAP will deliver the Business Transformation Services per the four phases of the business transformation methodology as given below
Envision - SAP will diagnose the need for transformation, analyze the capabilities and envision the case for change to drive business and
technical innovation and transformation
Engage SAP reviews the requirements for change and define how it is going to be achieved and measured. SAP & Licensee will identify
joint activities and communication channels. SAP will develop road map, Identify areas for improvement, define key performance indicators
(KPI) to measure success
Transform – SAP will facilitate effective execution of transformation roadmap, value scenarios etc. towards the mutually agreed target state
Optimize - SAP together with Licensee will govern and faciliate the institutionalization of innovation and transformation initiatives
SAP Business Transformation Services may be performed either at the Licensee location(s), through an onsite-offsite model or via remote
connection, as specified in the Order Form or Scope Document. Services are performed during normal business hours.
2.1 SAP Business Strategy and Architecture Services
SAP Business Strategy and Architecture Service facilitate Licensee design of an enterprise-wide environment for their business applications. SAP
Business Strategy and Architecture Services will assist Licensee on business and technical advice and guidance in the following topics: (i) business
architecture (ii) business transformation (iii) industry best practice and (iv) solution design. SAP Business Strategy and Architecture Services
provides guidance and advice for the Licensee in the above mentioned areas and will define a target architecture and transformation roadmap with
multi–layer alignment to drive long-term business success and to support effective execution.
SAP Business Strategy and Architecture Services will comprise one or any combination of the following activities.The activities that comprises SAP
Business Strategy and Architecture Services specific to the Licensee project may be defined in the Scope Document
Phases Activities
Envision SAP analyze as is data for the area under scope
SAP analyze the transformation needs and causes
SAP and Licensee review the as is business architecture
SAP and Licensee review architecture aspects
SAP and Licensee review IT maturity
SAP develop architecture vision
SAP carry out 360° strategic risk assessment
Engage SAP plan to-be architecture, operation and services
SAP create transformation roadmap
SAP analyze risk and develop risk mitigation
Transform SAP develop architecture design
SAP develop IT Deployment plan
icensee in monitoring risk and execution of risk mitigation plan
Optimize SAP assists Licensee manage architecture change requests
SAP assists Licensee to establish continual improvement process
SAP assists Licensee in review of risks and identify new opportunities
SAP Service Description for Business Transformation and Plan Services ENGLISH v.1-2015 2
2.2 SAP Business Performance Management Services
The objective of the SAP Business Performance Management Service is to align the business value of an IT initiative with the strategic business
objectives of the Licensee’s organization. SAP will assess and analyze Licensee’s current state toward the identified objectives and will identify and
prioritize opportunities for business performance management.
In the envision phase the emphasis is on determining what new or additional value the business transformation could create for licensee in relation
to its business strategy and factors that determine success. During the engage phase that value is translated into specific benefits that will accrue if
the changes proposed can be achieved successfully. As the transform phase evolves each of those benefits which will be tracked. During Optimize
phase, value delivery will be monitored to identify gaps for improvement and to identify further potential.
SAP Business Performance Management Services will comprise one or any combination of the following activities.The activities that comprises
SAP Business Performance Management Services specific to the Licensee project may be defined in the Scope Document
2.3 SAP Business Innovation Services
SAP Business Innovation Service is a business driven approach to support strategic differentiation, competitive advantage, and sustained growth
leveraging SAP Innovation. SAP Business Innovation Services will act as a catalyst for Licensee enterprise wide transformation.
SAP Business Innovation Services facilitate the business-focused adoption of SAP’s innovation portfolio to promote benefits from SAP’s latest
innovation offerings. This service may include a digital capability assessment, identification of preliminary list of innovation use-cases, assessment
of technical feasibility, prioritization of use cases, and a plan for scale and adoption for enterprise wide transformation.
SAP Business Innovation Services will comprise one or any combination of the following activities.The activities that comprises Business Innovation
Services specific to the Licensee project may be defined in the Scope Document
Phases Activities
Envision SAP and Licensee will analyze the drivers for the transformation
SAP and Licensee will analyze the objectives
SAP identify the benefits that will result by achieving the objectives
SAP analyze base line
SAP collect benchmarking statistics and analyze the results
SAP will develop value maps and conservative estimates
SAP create first business case
Engage SAP and Licensee will establish ownership for the benefit realization
SAP and Licensee Identify changes necessary
SAP will validate key performance indicators and define critical success factors for value
SAP and Licensee will finalize measurements of benefits and changes
SAP and Licensee will obtain agreement by all stakeholders
benefit realization plan
Transform SAP and Licensee will manage change Programs
SAP and Licensee will review progress against the benefits plan
SAP and Licensee will take corrective actions necessary to achieve benefits
SAP and Licensee will formally assess the benefits achieved
SAP and Licensee will initiate action to gain outstanding benefits where feasible
Optimize SAP assists Licensee to identify additional improvements through business changes
SAP assists Licensee to identify additional benefits from further investments
Phases Activities
Envision SAP and Licensee will analyze the drivers for innovation
SAP will develop outside-in analysis for Licensee business area under scope
SAP will develop innovation point of view for Licensee business area under scope
SAP and Licensee will develop account specific innovation plan
SAP will analyze as is digital capability situation and develop initial list of potential use cases
Engage SAP will carry out digital capability maturity assessment
SAP together with Licensee will finalize the list of digital innovation use cases and map to
digital capabilities
SAP will analyze the impact of transformation needs
SAP develop digital transformation roadmap
Transform SAP develop scale and adoption plan
Optimize SAP assists Licensee to establish innovation management framework for institutionalization
SAP Service Description for Business Transformation and Plan Services ENGLISH v.1-2015 3
2.4 SAP Program and Project Management Services
SAP will provide program and project management Service to Licensee during their SAP project or program.
This Service provides overall direction, design of project or program structure and content of the project or program that is necessary to implement
Licensee’s SAP related initiatives.
SAP Program and Project Management Services may assist Licensee in their program or project management activities spanning from project
preparation, scope management, resource management, communication, risk management, organization change management, time and cost
management to monitoring and control as specified in the Scope Document.
The activities that comprises SAP Program and Project Management Services specific to the project may be defined in the Scope Document
2.5 SAP Adoption Services
SAP Adoptions Services is a business driven approach spanning the enterprise and resulting in a more informed, structured, and aligned IT
enabled adoption of SAP business networks or SAP solutions.
SAP Adoption Services assists Licensee in determining when, where, and how SAP business networks and solutions should be used. This
encompasses analyzing Licensee’s as is maturity and consumption of SAP solutions and business networks, defining to be scenarios to assist the
Licensee from a business perspective and barriers in implementing the same, and change management plan to overcome the barriers while
maintaining the security and performance.
SAP Adoption Services will comprise one or any combination of the following activities.The activities that comprises Adoption Services specific to
the Licensee project may be defined in the Scope Document
2.6 SAP Business Process Management (BPM) Services
SAP Business Process Management Service is a holistic approach to process improvements focusing on industry solutions, leveraging SAP BPM
Methodology and technology. These services are offered along various dimensions: industry, cross-industry, line of business, and solutions. Best
practices and methods for each of these dimensions help Licensee efficiently analyze as-is processes and design to-be processes.
In the Envision phase the emphasis is on determining big picture of process management. Essential steps comprise both designing an enterprise
process framework and assessing Licensee process maturity. During Engage phase as is process analysis and design of to be process will be
carried out. In addition a governance structure may be put in place to frame the implementation of new processes. Implementation of new process
will be carried out during the Transform Phase. This relates to technical implementations comprising the definition of process indicators as part of
the process controlling. During Optimize phase, continuous monitoring is carried out to find areas for continuous improvement of processes
SAP Business Process Management Services will comprise one or any combination of the following activities.The activities that comprises
Business Process Management Service specific to the Licensee project may be defined in the Scope Document
Phases Activities
Envision SAP analyze as is data for the area under scope
SAP and Licensee set up as is consumption and maturity
SAP and Licensee defines the target state
Engage SAP define scenarios to improve adoption of solution and business networks
SAP develop change management plan
SAP together with Licensee will establish governance to improve adoption
Transform SAP will assist Licensee in monitoring the improvement towards target state
Optimize SAP assists Licensee to measure and compare performance regularly for institutionalization
across enterprise
Phases Activities
Envision SAP analyze as is data for the area under scope
SAP and Licensee decide on an average maturity level that should be reached by all
SAP determine maturity level of all processes
SAP derive improvement need for each process per analyzed maturity categories
Engage SAP define basics in terms of building blocks for BPM
SAP together with Licensee will establish BPM Governance:
SAP will carry out the process design which involves
As-Is Analysis
To-Be Process and Organization Design
Solution Transformation
SAP Service Description for Business Transformation and Plan Services ENGLISH v.1-2015 4
2.7 SAP Customer Center of Excellence (CCoE) Transformation Services
SAP Customer Center of Excellence (CCoE) Transformation Services facilitate 'Best Run Business' capabilities and business value from SAP for
the Licensee. SAP CCoE Transformation Services may include advice and guidance in establishing a CCoE. SAP CCoE Transformation Services
helps Licensee with CCoE assessments, CCoE staffing benchmarks, CCoE strategy & design, CCoE coaching and CCoE certification. These
services support the Licensee through designing and establishing a new CCoE or by re-organizing an existing CCoE.
SAP Customer Center of Excellence (CCoE) Transformation Services will comprise one or any combination of the following activities.The activities
that comprises Customer Center of Excellence Transformation Services specific to the Licensee project may be defined in the Scope Document
2.8 SAP Guidance Services
SAP will provide guidance to Licensee related to SAP solutions, projects or programs. SAP solutions might include SAP on premise solutions,
SAP cloud solutions and integration of non-SAP solutions. SAP may assist Licensee with guidance related to business process design based on
SAP solutions or SAP solution architecture as specified in the Scope Document.
2.9 SAP Value Prototyping Services
SAP Value Prototyping Services are solution engineering services to facilitate the solution finding, decision and realization process by building
prototypes and templates for Licensee specific use cases across business processes, predictive business models, architecture & performance,
usability and productivity.
Licensee specific prototypes deliver insights on the most critical solutions for a Licensee specific use case. Licensee specific prototypes are
delivered as a reference system. Licensee specific templates are clean reference configurations for a Licensee specific use case as a combination
of adjusted generic templates and results of a prototype. Prototypes and templates can be used as a design reference for development systems.
SAP Value Prototyping Services to be performed on prototypes and templates that are on SAP’s infrastructure shall require Licensee to separately
order Managed Services (HANA Enterprise Cloud and Application Management Services) as HEC Cloud Start. Prototypes and templates on
SAP’s infrastructure cannot be used for productive operation.
SAP Value Prototyping Services can help Licensee create the prototypes and templates. SAP and Licensee will jointly identify and agree in the
Scope Document on the scope for prototypes and templates.
3 Roles, Responsibilities and Governance
SAP will work according to the estimated effort and duration specified in the Order Form or Scope Document to accomplish the agreed activities.
SAP will assign resources, usually, within six (6) to eight (8) weeks after the signing of the Order Form. Each project will have a unique set of roles
and responsibilities that will be agreed once the project has started.
3.1 Licensee Roles
The typical Licensee roles are:
Executive Sponsor: decision maker on scope, priorities, budget and changes issues. Active advocate for the engagement.
Engagement Manager: overall responsible for the success of the engagement, acts as Licensees single point of contact for SAP. Must be
designated by Licensee before the start of any efforts by SAP.
Project Manager: responsible for the project management activities
Business Leads: owns business solution and is the key liaison between the engagement team and the business.
Transform SAP will prepare implementation plan of processes
SAP develop process controlling framework
SAP together with Licensee establishes process controlling
Optimize SAP assists Licensee to establish process monitoring, process reporting, process
management cockpit etc.
SAP assists Licensee to measure and compare performance regularly
Phases Activities
Envision SAP analyze the transformation needs and causes
SAP review the as is set up and evaluates maturity
SAP and Licensee develop to be vision
Engage SAP and Licensee assess and analyze total cost of ownership
SAP develop CCoE strategy
SAP create transformation roadmap
Transform SAP develop SAP develop CCoE design
SAP develop Deployment plan
SAP assist licensee in deployment
Optimize SAP assists Licensee manage CCoE
SAP assist Licensee in coaching and certification and to establish continual improvement
SAP Service Description for Business Transformation and Plan Services ENGLISH v.1-2015 5
Value Manager: responsible for establishing and managing the Value Management Office
Innovation Lead: responsible for innovation topics in their respective areas of leadership
Organization Change Management Leads: manages stakeholders, assess business impact and readiness, agree organization changes and
lead training.
Functional Leads: responsible for solution configuration information
Infrastructure Leads: responsible for the technical infrastructure for on premise solutions and cloud integration.
3.2 Licensee Responsibilities
Unless stated otherwise in the Scope Document, Licensee is responsible for the following during the project:
Overall Licensee Responsibilities
Licensee will appoint an Engagement Manager.
Licensee will ensure that Licensee team members are knowledgeable about the issues and available as needed to ensure a successful
Licensee with input from SAP will carry out the preparatory steps required to facilitate the efficient execution of the service
Licensee and SAP will communicate approach, roles and responsibilities, estimated schedule, change request and decision making process
Nominating clear communication paths and counterparts for each selected topic
Licensee will develop a list of scope changes to be incorporated into a Change Request or additional Order Form
Licensee is accountable for all organization change management activities
Licensee and SAP will verify the estimated timeline by phase
Establishing proactive and open communication of upcoming project initiatives
Licensee will Involve SAP in the project portfolio planning
Providing and coordinating the necessary employees on Licensee’s engagement team
Making and communicating Licensee engagement decisions
Commitment by Licensee to the success of the engagement.
Technical Responsibilities
Licensee will provide all the on premise servers and software
Licensee will be fully responsible for the on premise technology infrastructure environment. This includes but is not limited to SAP Basis,
transport system, database administration, network administration, server and storage hardware, and software architecture.
Licensee will be responsible for all software change management
Licensee will provide SAP remote access to Licensee systems as necessary.
Licensee will ensure the SAP landscape is accessible via the SAP Service Connection (SAP OSS) network
Licensee will create user ids for the SAP team as needed.
3.3 Governance
Unless otherwise stated in the Scope Document, SAP and Licensee agree to use a four-tier framework for strategic governance at executive and
program management levels.
Sponsorship: vision and sign off on key long-term initiatives towards the agreed upon objectives at Licensee’s board level.
Steering Committee: strategic decisions and engagement progress reviews.
Program Management: Review progress on program level, business performance management, address engagement risks, escalate issues
and define program standards.
Status: review progress of individual SAP Business Transformation Services and address issues.
4 Assumptions and exclusions
Any items or Services not defined as in scope for this Service are deemed out of scope, including, the following out-of-scope-items:
Deliverables not explicitly described in the Scope Document.
Modifications to the SAP source code and data dictionary
Content for end user training
Programs or content to migrate data
Procurement of software licenses (SAP and non-SAP licenses)
System administration tasks for on premise systems including transports between landscapes
Coordination of work required from Licensee’s third party vendors
Resolution of software defects
Changes to existing Licensee enhancements (developments, interfaces, modifications, BADIs and add on development)
Data cleansing
Creation of test plans and test scripts and execution of testing. No effort is included for verification and validation testing processes which may
be required by regulatory, industry or governmental requirements. Such testing is the sole responsibility of Licensee.
The following assumptions apply unless stated otherwise in the Scope Document
SAP Service Description for Business Transformation and Plan Services ENGLISH v.1-2015 6
The estimated timelines are based on continuous availability of on premise systems as well as Licensee timely fulfilling their prerequisites and
All supporting documentation and Work Products will be developed using industry standard personal computers/laptops using Microsoft Office
applications (Word, Excel, MS Project, Visio and PowerPoint) or other mutually agreeable documentation tools.
If any of the SAP Software listed in the Scope Document is included in the SAP Ramp-up program, then Licensee must apply for and be
accepted into the SAP Ramp-up program for each such SAP Software.
Knowledge transfer (key user training workshop) does not replace the necessity for formalized training on the solution(s) which may be
available through SAP Education.
The Service will have sponsorship from Licensee’s senior management, who will be available on a timely and regular basis to monitor the
progress and to act as a decision maker for policy decisions.
Licensee will assign all necessary IT and business resources as needed by the Service.
If Licensee cannot meet the agreed schedule and timeline, this may result in a Change Order in accordance with the Change Order Procedure
as defined in Order Form.