Internal Audit, Risk, Business & Technology Consulting
Designing SAP
Application Security
Leveraging SAP Access Monitoring
Solutions During SAP Implementations,
Upgrades or Security Redesign Projects
SAP Security Remediation · 1
The results of a poorly executed SAP security
design process are many: unauthorized access,
increased potential for fraud, inefcient access
provisioning for end users, and numerous
audit issues. All too frequently, companies that
have not proactively identied and addressed
potential security issues face expensive and
challenging redesign projects within one to
two years of the initial SAP rollout. This also
applies to organizations that have integrated
systems due to mergers or acquisitions
or otherwise performed SAP integrations
without an overall SAP security strategy.
The pitfalls of a bad security design not only
include frequent projects to mitigate security
exposures, but also loss of productivity due to
delays in granting access.
There are two main approaches when building application
security in SAP. The rst approach is the “top-down” or
proactive” approach described in detail in this white
paper. It starts by dening security requirements up
front during the blueprint phase. The second approach,
the “bottom-up” or “reactive” approach, starts with
developing SAP roles based on available transactions and
job functions and considering security requirements and
restrictions as a subsequent step, after roles have been set
up in the system.
Organizations that use the second method, the bottom-
up approach, do not address security risks or compliance
requirements during the initial design of their SAP
systems. Instead, they assess security risks and
requirements after roles have been built and access has
been granted to users, or after go-live. This approach is
commonly used by companies implementing SAP for the
rst time. However, while this method appears time-
ecient in the shorter term, it ultimately may prove
more time-consuming because security design has to
be re-evaluated — and very likely rebuilt — over time
due to excessive access and a large number of segregation
of duty (SoD) conicts.
The bottom-up approach is also particularly inecient
when a high number of SoD conicts must be resolved
or SAP roles need to be changed to comply with nancial
regulations and audit requirements. In addition, this
method runs the risk of allowing a high and unnecessary
number of SAP roles to be built (i.e., new roles may be
created to solve existing SoD conicts, which often fails
to address the root causes for SoD conicts).
“Defining SAP security requirements in the early phase of
an SAP implementation, upgrade or re-implementation
project can help ensure efficiency and achievement of
a ‘clean slate’ with regard to mitigation of security risks
prior to go-live.
2 · Protiviti
Dening SAP security requirements in the early phase of
an SAP implementation, upgrade or reimplementation
project (“SAP project”) can help ensure eciency and
achievement of a “clean slate” with regard to mitigation
of security risks prior to go-live. It is also important to
leverage access management technology, such as SAP
Access Control or similar solutions, to monitor whether
security design requirements and SoD restrictions are
properly maintained throughout the system build,
deployment and go-live phases.
Approaches to Building SAP Application Security
Testing &
Define SoD
Policies &
Rule Design
or Proactive
SAP Project
or Reactive
Initial Role
& User
Build &
Role & User
Move to
Initial Role
& User
Build &
Role &
Access Risk
Move to
Repeat steps until
security risks are mitigated
SAP Security Remediation · 3
1. Define SoD Policies and Ruleset Design
The rst step in implementing SAP application
security using the top-down approach is to work with
business process owners (BPOs), SAP functional leads,
and compliance organizations to identify business
processes and applications in-scope of the SAP project
and determine how the dierent SAP modules (e.g.,
Financials and Controlling, Materials Management)
and SAP applications (e.g., Supply Chain Management,
Human Capital Management) would be utilized for each
business process. A series of meetings and validation
workshops should be conducted to establish an agreed-
upon and written SoD management framework,
including SoD policies with respective risk descriptions,
risk ratings, and compliance and audit requirements.
Key Components of an SoD Management Framework
Top-Down Approach for SAP Security Design
In-Scope SAP
Risk Description
SoD and Sensitive
Access Policies
Job Function
SoD Rule
Business Risk
Definition Example
Systems, modules, or applications where information
related to the risk is entered or processed
SAP accounts payable module, supply
relationship management (SRM) application, etc.
Definition of overall risk that drives the SoD rule
and security controls
Fraud: acts committed by internal or external
sources, intentional & concealed, causing loss of
funds, value and reputation, or unauthorized benefit
Definition of what a user could do if allowed
certain access in the SAP system
Cut fraudulent or unauthorized checks
Job functions that represent or increase risk if
provided to a user without proper monitoring
Access to create or change transactions for
procure-to-pay and master data maintenance
SAP transactions and respective authorization
objects related to the conflicting job functions
Change vendor master (e.g., XK02) vs. execute
payment run (e.g., F110)
Tasks assigned to a specific user
Create a vendor master account,
post payments, etc.
4 · Protiviti
As part of this framework denition process, SoD policies
should be outlined and classied into risk levels such
as critical, high, medium, and low risk, as described
in the example below. This will help management
prioritize areas of focus during role build or security
remediation phases:
Critical risk:
Represents signicant impact to company
operations or company value
Risk cannot be mitigated, it requires remediation
High risk:
Represents a direct nancial misstatement risk
or signicant prot and loss (P&L) impact
Aects corporate image
Represents a deviation on standard best-
practice processes or noncompliance with laws
and regulations
Generates inconsistencies on master data
governance or transactional data
Causes loss or theft
May be mitigated with an eective management-
level report, or may require remediation
Medium risk:
Causes a nancial statement reclassication risk
Represents medium P&L impact (e.g., percent of
revenue, materiality, potential loss)
Disrupts an operational process (no impact to
nancial statements)
Causes noncompliance with internal policies
Can be mitigated with a management-level report
Low risk:
Costs more to mitigate than the cost of the risk to
the business
These denitions vary from company to company
based on the organization and industry-specic
criteria. After these SoD policies and risks are dened,
SAP standard and custom transactions should be
evaluated to identify those that provide the ability to
create, modify, post or delete data related to any of the
identied risks. Ultimately, these SAP transactions
are grouped into job functions (e.g., Create a GL
Account, Post Payments) and should be congured
in an automated SAP security monitoring solution
(such as SAP Access Control or a similar solution) as
which are used to analyze SoD conicts at
the role or user level.
In addition to SoD policies and risk denitions,
companies also should dene, group and classify
sensitive SAP transactions to enable monitoring and
reporting on SAP roles and users who have add, modify
or even display access to the company’s sensitive
information, such as vendor pricing lists, customer
lists, bills of materials (BOMs), sensitive SAP tables,
nancial data, and human resources (HR) information.
Most SAP Access Management solutions include a standard/predened set of SoD rules; however, these rules, along with the risk ranking (critical, high, medium, low),
need to be adjusted to reect the company’s risk prole. In addition, it is important to note that these standard rulesets may report on false positives if the security
parameters (i.e., authorization objects) are not adjusted to reect the company’s security design.
For Users of SAP S/4HANA Systems
With the introduction of SAP S/4HANA, the SoD ruleset
will have to be reassessed to incorporate changes due to
the introduction of new security layers, including over 200
new transactions, and the consolidation/replacement of old
transactions and checks (e.g., Simplified Finance & Logistics and
Business Partner). Additionally, security at the new presentation
layer (SAP Fiori) and database layer (SAP HANA) may also have
to be taken into account when designing the new ruleset.
SAP Security Remediation · 5
2. Initial Role and User Design
The next step after establishing the SoD policies and
rulesets in SAP Access Control, or a similar solution,
includes the initial design of SAP roles. This step starts
by reviewing “to-be” business processes and conducting
a preliminary analysis of individual tasks and SAP
transactions that will be performed once the new system
goes live. At this point, the SAP application security
team will group transactions into the beginning stages
of SAP roles. This step could be challenging without
predened role templates due to the lack of available
documentation to perform the role design related to
transaction functionality.
Another approach for dening the set of SAP transactions
to include in the updated SAP roles is to review the
SAP transaction history. This method is applicable to
SAP upgrade or security redesign projects only, since
no transactional history will be available for new
SAP implementations. In this approach, transaction
logs are analyzed to determine the set of monthly,
quarterly and year-end transactions that should be
included in the newly designed SAP roles.
The next step after the initial transaction grouping is
to conduct workshops with BPOs to validate that the
respective SAP transaction groups are aligned with
the “to-bebusiness processes in case of new SAP
implementations or existing business processes in case
of security redesign projects. At this stage, the “role
templates” will be documented. These consist of the
roles technical name and the underlining transaction
codes. They also may include key information related
to security restrictions, such as company codes, cost
centers or document types. (Note: These parameters
may vary over the course of the SAP project, as “to-be”
processes are adjusted throughout the implementation.)
*Some of these transaction codes are disabled in SAP S/4HANA.
Example of an SAP Role Template
Role Name Transaction Code* Transaction Code Description
Billing Role
FBL5 Display Customer Line Items
VF01 Create Billing Document
VF02 Change Billing Document
VF04 Maintain Billing Due List
VF11 Cancel Billing Document
VF31 Output from Billing Documents
Z038 Delivery Related on the Billing Due
SD Customer Master View
VD01 Create Customer (Sales)
VD02 Change Customer (Sales)
VD03 Display Customer (Sales)
VD04 Customer Changes (SD)
Blocked Billing Role
VF02 Change Billing Document
V.23 Release Sales Order for Billing
6 · Protiviti
The next key step within the role and user design
phase is to dene “role owners” for each role template.
Role owners are typically part of the functional
implementation, or business teams, and usually “own
or are responsible for managing and reporting on the
data being updated by the SAP transactions and roles
they own. For instance, a corporate controller would own
nance-related roles. Responsibilities for role owners
include review and approval of SAP transactions to be
included in the role and ongoing maintenance of the role
(e.g., transaction additions, deletions, and approval of
mitigating controls if conicts occur).
Job-based” vs. “task-based” roles
The first key decision to make during the actual design of SAP security is whether to use “job-based” or “task-based” roles. The intention of
job-based roles is to give each user one role (e.g., Accounts Payable Manager) that encompasses all of that person’s job activities. This approach
utilizes fewer roles, but also gives users access to transaction codes they might not need. Also, the roles themselves may have SoD conflicts due
to the large number of transactions assigned. The intention of task-based roles is to give each user multiple roles, each representing one job task
(e.g., Release Purchase Requisition). This approach utilizes more roles, but will limit user access to the respective tasks performed. The decision
around using a job-based or task-based approach will depend on the overall consistency of job positions, and the maturity of HR departments in
relation to the integration between SAP access requests and employee hiring, transfer and termination processes.
Single vs. composite roles
Another decision to make is whether to use composite roles, which are a grouping of roles held within another role. It is common for job-
based roles to consist of several task-based roles (composite roles). The main advantage in composite roles is that they provide a simpler user
provisioning process since the user will receive one role. The main disadvantage of composite roles is that users may be granted more access
than required due to additional tasks or backup responsibilities being included in the composite role.
Custom or pre-delivered SAP roles
It is also important to note that each SAP system comes pre-delivered with out-of-the-box roles, and an organization can decide to implement
those instead of tailoring their security design. However, it is not recommended that out-of-the-box roles be used as a long-term strategy to
maintain SAP security. These roles are designed as one-size-fits-all roles, meaning they have such a wide range of job activities combined in
a single role that it will be nearly impossible to provision these roles to a user without granting excessive access. Also, out-of-the-box roles may not
meet all business access requirements and control restrictions.
HR or position-based design vs. functional design
Another consideration when designing SAP security is the level of integration with HR processes (e.g., hiring, termination) and overall
consistency with job descriptions and positions. In an ideal scenario, SAP roles should reflect job responsibilities, but if HR departments and
positions are not mature or consistent, an independent security design based purely on job functions may be the best option. For organizations
to apply a position-based design, HR job descriptions would have to be well-defined and consistent across the company. Also, “hire-to-retire”
processes would need to be in a mature stage to enable integrated provisioning.
SAP Security Design Considerations
For Users of SAP S/4HANA Systems
If using SAP Fiori as the user interface in addition to or instead of using the traditional SAP GUI, users may no longer require access to back-end
transaction codes and instead will use Fiori apps to access different functionalities within the SAP S/4HANA system. The S/4HANA roles will
have to be designed to include the additional authorizations and mapping required to access the specific apps on Fiori UI by the end users.
For SAP S/4HANA, access to the HANA database will be required by any individual working within the HANA database (admins, data modelers,
developers, support staff, etc.) as well as by end users reading data directly from the database. If users need to have direct access to critical data in
SAP HANA, a privilege-based role design will be required to secure the data and restrict access based on the type of user accessing the database.
SAP Security Remediation · 7
3. Role Build and User Assignment
Once the initial SAP role templates have been designed
and approved, the roles can be built in SAP and
subsequently assigned to end users. The technical
design phase starts with building “master roles” or
“template roles” including the grouped transactions.
Building master roles requires close coordination with
the systems integrator and BPOs so that all standard
and custom SAP transactions and objects being used
as part of the role design are understood in terms of
functionality (e.g., create master data, update nancial
statements) and are also properly incorporated in the
template roles. The second step in designing SAP roles
is to create “derived” or “child” roles, which is where
security restrictions are applied (e.g., company code
and cost center limitations).
Designing roles that are free from SoD conicts early
in the SAP project can lead to increased granularity
and more restrictive access, as well as increased
transparency related to the authorizations given to
a user. In addition, it can reduce ongoing security
maintenance because it makes it easier to respond
to changes in user responsibilities resulting from
the implementation of new SAP functionality and/or
organizational realignment.
End user role assignment is a critical step when
designing SAP application security, due to the
dierent restrictions that must be applied to users
(e.g., some users may need access to one, multiple or
all company codes or cost centers, in case of shared
services departments).
During these steps, it is also important to leverage SAP
Access Control, or another SAP security monitoring
solution, to conrm that roles are SoD-conict-free
before assigning them to end users. If master roles
have inherent SoD conicts, all derived roles and
subsequently assigned users also will have conicts.
SAP Role Build and User Assignment Process
Initial Role Templates
SAP Derived Roles
Business Unit “A” Company Code
Business Unit “A” Cost Centers
Business Unit “B” Company Code
Business Unit “B” Cost Centers
SAP Master Roles
Grouped SAP Transactions
All Company Codes
All Cost Centers
SoD Risk
Assessment at
Role Level
SoD Risk
Assessment at
User Level
8 · Protiviti
4. Role and User Access Risk Analysis
At this stage, SAP Access Control, or another SAP security
monitoring solution, should be leveraged to perform
periodic role and user analyses to determine if the newly
designed SAP roles are in compliance with SoD policies.
This is done by simulating and monitoring changes
aecting SAP security design, and providing timely
feedback to BPOs in case potential conicts arise. Risk
analyses should be run on a periodic basis, especially
after unit and integration testing, which is when the SAP
system design will be updated to accommodate process
improvements. It is important to note that the dened
SAP ruleset in SAP Access Control also may change
during the course of the SAP project, given that new SAP
transactions may be added to “to-be” processes or new
custom transactions may be developed.
To ensure an SAP environment is “clean” or “conict-
free” post-go-live, a sound SAP security provisioning
process must be designed and implemented. This
includes procedures that require SAP security teams to
perform a risk simulation in SAP Access Control prior to
granting user access or modifying a role. This simulation
will determine if role or user changes are posing SoD or
excessive access security risks. In addition, continuous
monitoring procedures must be established and followed
as the project go-live date approaches. Detective SAP
security monitoring processes also should be established,
including generating periodic SoD violation reports
reviewed by BPOs and role owners to validate security
changes. For SAP upgrade or security redesign projects,
post-go-live activities may also include additional change
management processes to assign and manage new roles
and, over time, to discontinue the use of legacy roles.
For Users of SAP S/4HANA Systems
The SAP Access Control functionality will have to be expanded
across the S/4HANA landscape to address the access risks
arising with the introduction of new security layers. Changes
may need to be made at both the system architecture level
(configuring additional connectors) and the Access Control tool
functionality level (workflow changes) if users are provided
access to Fiori and the HANA database.
5. Security Testing and Go-Live Preparation
SAP security Unit Testing (UT) and User Acceptance
Testing (UAT) are critical steps to ensure users experience
minimal access issues prior to go-live. SAP security
testing includes executing all SAP transactions within
a role to conrm that the role has required transactions
and authorization objects to complete the process
(e.g., display, update and post a nancial transaction).
These steps should be performed in conjunction with
project functional testing (during SAP implementations
or upgrades) or before assigning the new roles in the
production environment (during security redesign
projects). Security testing also should include formal SoD
and sensitive access reviews to conrm the newly created
or updated SAP roles are as SoD conict-free as possible,
and that access to key functions (e.g., update vendor
master, update chart of accounts) is properly restricted.
Involving SAP security teams in early stages of the
functional testing phase allows the discovery of
potential security issues before it is too late — or
costly — to modify roles. It is also very important for
the nal UAT process to create test users in the Quality
Assurance environment with the SAP roles to be
SAP Security Remediation · 9
used in the production environment (i.e., users with
accurate SAP role assignments). This will allow proper
identication and remediation of security changes,
including verication of “authorized conicts” and
resolution of “unauthorized conicts” prior to going
live with the SAP project.
Be sure to work closely with BPOs, role owners and the
SAP security team to remediate unauthorized conicts by
regrouping the transaction codes within the conicting
role(s) or reassigning the roles for the conicting user.
For SoD conicts that cannot be resolved for a business-
approved reason, such as limited headcount, mitigating
controls should be identied and documented.
For Users of SAP S/4HANA Systems
With SAP S/4HANA, testing steps will require some updates
to account for the additional security levels introduced at
the presentation (Fiori) and database (HANA) levels. At
the application level (SAP S/4HANA), the testing procedures
will have to take into account the transactions that have been
consolidated, simplified or removed.
6. Move to Production and Support
Once testing is complete, the newly designed SAP roles
can be migrated to the production environment according
to the organizations change management policy and
users can be assigned. No matter how well UT and UAT
are performed, it is very likely that access issues will
be encountered during go-live, stabilization, and the
post-go-live period due to the overall complexity of
implementing or changing ERP systems and processes
in an organization.
It is critical to establish a support team specically
assigned to address any SAP access issues during go-live
and stabilization activities. This team not only can help
resolve access issues on a timely basis, but also run access
risk reports to determine if security changes will result
in SoD or other access risks. Also, a communication plan
should be established to ensure aected users are aware
of any changes and support protocols related to go-live of
the SAP system.
A common practice during SAP implementation and
upgrade projects is to allow for temporary broader access
for “power users” during the go-live and stabilization
period. This is done to help with stabilization of the
new system, to ensure users are capable of performing
job functions during and after go-live, and often
is performed using SAP Access Control to review
transaction and super-user action logs. It is important
to review and remove this temporary broader access
after the new implementation is stable.
It is recommended to leverage SAP provisioning
solutions to automate user provisioning processes. For
instance, SAP Access Control can enable “paperless”
SAP security provisioning by automating the assignment
and approval of roles. User provisioning and approvals
can be accomplished through a few clicks on a webpage.
If an issue is detected during the user assignment
process, the approval path is automatically redirected so
the appropriate role owner can resolve the SoD conict
before access is granted.
10 · Protiviti
Designing, conguring and implementing SAP security is
a complex and resource-intensive endeavor. Companies
should consider their approach to building SAP
Application Security in the early stages of SAP projects.
Embedding proper security requirements during the
system build process helps to avoid the need for a
redesign later. Using automated security monitoring
solutions such as SAP Access Control and applying best
practices can increase eciency and acceleration of the
security design and the implementation of conict-free
SAP roles, and dramatically reduce the possibility of
having to redesign SAP security in the future.
Organizations that meet any of the following criteria
should consider assessing their SAP security design and
the implementation or optimization of SAP security
monitoring solutions in order to “clean” and “maintain”
their SAP security environment:
Organization-specic SoD policies have not been
dened, approved by the business, or are outdated
Creation of new roles and/or new role assignments
generates new SoD conicts requiring remediation
or mitigation
A signicant number of SoD conicts exist
within roles
The SAP environment consists of more roles
than users
SoD checks are performed manually
Automated security monitoring solutions, such
as SAP Access Control, are not in place to support
provisioning processes or ongoing monitoring of
the environment
Lack of business involvement in the SoD risk
management process
For Users of SAP S/4HANA Systems
When moving to S/4HANA, keep in the mind the changes
and additional layers introduced with the new data model to
develop a cost-effective and compliant security architecture.
SAP Security Remediation · 11
Protiviti is a global consulting firm that delivers deep expertise, objective insights, a tailored approach and unparalleled collaboration to help leaders
confidently face the future. Protiviti and our independently owned Member Firms provide consulting solutions in finance, technology, operations, data,
analytics, governance, risk and internal audit to our clients through our network of more than 70 offices in over 20 countries.
We have served more than 60 percent of Fortune 1000
and 35 percent of Fortune Global 500
companies. We also work with smaller, growing companies,
including those looking to go public, as well as with government agencies. Protiviti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Half (NYSE: RHI). Founded in 1948,
Robert Half is a member of the S&P 500 index.
About Protiviti’s Enterprise Resource Planning and SAP Technology Practice
We partner with chief information officers, chief financial officers and other executives to ensure their organizations maximize the return on information
systems investments while minimizing their risks. Using strong IT governance to ensure alignment with business strategies, we drive excellence though the
IT infrastructure and into the supporting applications, data analytics and security. We also facilitate the selection and development of software, implement
configurable controls on large ERP installations, implement GRC software applications, and manage implementation risk throughout.
Protiviti is a premier provider of SAP consulting solutions and a long-standing SAP Gold partner. Given our risk and compliance background, we are in a unique
position to help companies identify, address and mitigate risks around S/4HANA projects. We bring:
Optimized S/4HANA business process templates and experienced resources to facilitate your solution design
Automated tools to assess application security, automated controls and data risks
Predefined library of process and IT controls to consider as part of your S/4HANA solution design
Expertise in GRC solution implementation related to S/4HANA’s impact on SoD rules and automated controls
Proven methodology and approach to assess project readiness and risks throughout your implementation lifecycle
John Harrison
Carol Raimo
Aric Quinones
Thomas Luick
Ronan O’Shea
Steve Cabello
+1.213 .327.1470
Siamak Razmazma
John Livingood
Toni Lastella
Martin Nash
Kevin Erlandson
Mithilesh Kotwal
Kyle Wechsler
© 2017 Protiviti Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans. PRO-0317-103050
Protiviti is not licensed or registered as a public accounting firm and does not issue opinions on financial statements or offer attestation services.
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