Independent and
Dependent Clauses
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Subject: The subject in the sentence is the noun
(person, place or thing)
Verb: doing word
To understand the difference between a dependent and
independent clause you need to know what a subject is,
what a verb is and what a clause is.
Clause: A group of words put together as part or all
of a sentence.
Watch the video below to learn more about
independent and dependent clauses
This sentence is made up of two clauses. One makes a sentence
on its own (independent clause), one needs another clause to
make sense (dependent clause).
The doorbell rang while we were eating dinner.
The doorbell rang while we were eating dinner.
Makes sentence on its own
(independent clause)
Needs the first clause to make
sense (dependent clause)
This sentence is made up of two clauses. One makes a sentence on its own
(independent clause), one needs another clause to make sense (dependent
clause). Which clause is dependent and which clause is independent? Move the
heading below to show which clause is which.
We are going on an excursion unless it is raining.
Makes sentence on it’s
own (independent clause)
Needs the first clause to make
sense (dependant clause)
This sentence is made up of two clauses. One makes a sentence on its own
(independent clause), one needs another clause to make sense (dependent
clause). Which clause is dependent and which clause is independent? Move the
heading below to show which clause is which.
You will need to water the garden today
because it is very hot.
Makes sentence on its own
(independent clause)
Needs the first clause to make
sense (dependant clause)
This sentence is made up of two clauses. One makes a sentence on its own
(independent clause), one needs another clause to make sense (dependent
clause). Which clause is dependent and which clause is independent? Move the
heading below to show which clause is which.
By the roadside,
I waited for the bus to pick me up.
Makes sentence on its own
(independent clause)
Needs the first clause to make
sense (dependant clause)
Read each of the clauses below and decide if they are
dependent or independent. Move each clause under the
correct heading.
The movie was good
but it was too long
I am bringing my sister along
even though I don’t
want to.
Independent Clause Dependent Clause
Finish off these sentences by adding a dependent clause. Remember, a
dependent clause cannot stand alone as a separate sentence.
It is a cold day today because
The girl pulled out all the weeds in the garden so
The footballer broke his leg whilst